Short Essay On Discipline

In this essay we are going to talk about the Discipline. Discipline is something that most of us practice or at least take an effort to practice in order to mend our way of life, improve the basis on which we carry out our day-to-day tasks and make ourselves look a little more organized. It is indeed a good initiative for a person to take due to its tremendous improvements that it brings about it one’s life! However, there are a lot of factors that inhibit a person from practicing discipline. Why is that so? Well, the answers are many since not all five fingers are the same, different people have their own opinions and reasons to why they are not able to take up this amazing initiative.

Short Essay On Discipline

Some claim that they do not have the time to practice it; well now the validity of this reason depends on how the person utilizes the twenty-four-hour timespan given to him/her. It could be true in some cases especially if all the responsibilities are taken up by one single person. For instance, let’s take the example of single mothers. They need to go for their job, look after the house, look after their children, their needs and much more. Although, some make it a point to take some time off to focus on themselves, most of them often don’t even bother to think about themselves.

Some people are just to lazy or simply unwilling to give a new start and take any efforts. There is nothing much to be reasoned out here but laziness, which can make even the simplest of tasks to be challenging. So, since there are various reasons or rather excuses to this, there are still some people who genuinely want to change, but they often have a confusion going on in their minds, which could be a result of either fear of change, fear of things going wrong or just not knowing where to start from. So here are a few things that can serve as a good start to adhere to leading a discipline and decent life.

Essay On Discipline

Self- Love is “THE KEY!”

Before starting an initiative like bringing about discipline, it is very important for one to love himself/herself. This is the key to every other aspect related to discipline. Self-love is something that cannot occur overnight. It is a gradual process, and the amount of time varies from person to person. At the same time, the process through which it occurs, in other words how it occurs also varies from one person to another. It might look a little difficult at the start, especially for people who have a lot of commitments in life ranging from their professional to their personal life, but it is also not impossible! It can be anything to start with even if it is something small.

For example, adding a little focus to your looks, like fixing those dark circles, losing weight to being fit or simply taking some time alone to maybe walk or go for a jog! Once there is a start, things start getting better and eventually, you will start feeling good about yourself, and the moment you feel you need to encourage yourself to do more, you have completed halfway! Thereafter, things will automatically start to fall in place, your minds will automatically tell you to put things in the form of a schedule and there you are! You have completed the first step in practicing discipline.

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Today’s work is meant for Today

We often start off with a lot of tasks and most of the time, we leave them incomplete, telling ourselves that we will get it done tomorrow and when tomorrow arrives, the same thing repeats. Yes, there is always tomorrow, but it doesn’t do you any good to put things off for tomorrow because tomorrow just tends to come but it doesn’t. Of course, the tasks that you commit yourself into may not be those types which can be completed in a day, so always learn to measure the duration of each task that you take up, be it big or small.

In this way, it helps you to analyze and prioritize which tasks are to be carried out and completed today and which ones are not. It might not seem easy as we are easily distracted by a lot of things around us, irrespective of the location we are working from, but practice makes us perfect so to put it into practice, you will have to begin it in the first place! So, make it a point to complete today’s work today and not leave it pending for tomorrow. In this way, your time will also be managed to a rather good extent and at the same time, there will be a sense of relaxation and satisfaction towards the end of the day!

When was the last time you checked your priority list?

Well, this is the root to everything. Not just practicing discipline but also many other aspects such as time management and self-focus. Now priority here is not something that you apply from your end for the enhancement of others but also towards yourself. Let’s say, you have a family to look after; it includes your spouse, children, and parents. At the same time, you have your profession to look after as well. Now if the question arises on who is at the top in your priority list, the answer will obviously be family. However, there is a slight addition that needs to be done here; instead of only making sure that your spouse and children have eaten and gone to bed on time, your parents have had their medicines and gone to bed on time, include yourself in the circle as well.

Ensure that you have your food on time and go to bed early as well. In this way you are not only disciplining things around you but also for yourself. The important factor to be understood over here is that if you want a change, it should start with you! It’s only if you start that other around you will follow. In other words, to say, this practice is kind of contagious in nature, as it begins with you, those around you get to see the good impact and the good results that it yields, and they automatically start to follow as well. However, for all this to happen, you will have to prioritize yourself first!

Embrace your flaws

This is something that is quite crucial for all of us, irrespective of our circumstances. The importance of this aspect is such that it can truly bring about tremendous changes not just within yourself but also how you see yourself. This, as a result, also ends up changing how others see you. After all it’s all about perspective, and if that must change, then be the change! “The Perfect Person” does not exist anywhere on Earth; we all have flaws in some or the other aspect.

Some may be good at something while others may not. We are all unique and each of us have our own ways of tackling things and our own hidden talents; believe it or not it’s true! It is completely okay to be imperfect and those who understand this are the ones who will always succeed. Of course, there is nothing wrong in making strides to improve on ourselves but at the same time see to it that your flaws don’t bring you down and make you feel worthless at any point! One way to tackle this is self-reflection. Reflect on yourself, ponder over what makes you feel that you are not perfect.

If it is within your reach or ability to fix it, then definitely go ahead but if it is not, despite having made several attempts in its fixation, then just embrace, and learn to live with it. For any reason, never let any outside influences bring you down just because you have flaws; especially if you are judged by people around you. They don’t live your life for you, they don’t undergo the difficulty and pain that you undergo, they are not aware of where your journey of life leads you to so just ignore them.

Again, in the beginning, it’s not easy, but once you make your inner self stronger, then at a point, these judgements won’t even make any difference to you! The logic here is pretty much simple; the situations that we encounter in life accounts for only 10% but the remaining 90% is based on how we react to it! So, towards the end, having flaws is not a crime!

Essay On Discipline In English

Your Health is Your Biggest Wealth

Yes, indeed health is wealth! This is not said just for the sake of being said but it is practically true. Imagine yourself under two different scenarios; one in which you are all healthy and have the ability and strength to do everything and the other where you are reliant on medications and need to pay regular visits to the doctor to run your daily life. If a question arises on which scenario is better, then the answer is obvious that it will be the first one. We all want to be healthy, and we all deserve to lead a happy and healthy lifestyle. Living a healthy life is not just advantageous for us but also for the initiative of practicing discipline.

A healthy body means a healthy and happy mind and soul. So, eat healthy; this might sound like a plain medical advice but eating healthy does have a drastic effect on our lifestyle as well as our behavior. If this doesn’t seem realistic, then just observe yourself when you are hungry and compare it with after you have eaten a satisfactory meal! Make it a point to get 7-8 hours of sleep per day as this reflects our day-to-day efficiency. Exercising regularly not only keeps us fit but also freshens up our minds and increases concentration. So, practicing good health is important because it’s only if we are healthy, we will be able to lead a disciplined life!

It may be hard, but it’s not impossible! So, take the effort, it’s worth it!

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