Short Essay On Yoga

In this essay we are going to talk about the Yoga. Yoga is a form of ancient art. It is an art that had been in existence for ages due to yogis practising it. Its importance which was known to India a few years ago has now become a globally known practice.

Its benefits and importance have intrigued many people to know about this art form.

Short Essay on Yoga  

Let’s look into what yoga is and what are the benefits that this art form carries with it.

Why yoga?

Yoga is a bridge that connects body and soul. In today’s busy world, it becomes extremely frustrating for people to keep calm. Their minds which are working 24/7 needs a break. Their body, which is tired of sitting on the front of the same desk working from morning to evening, needs a break.

This overwhelming routine life often makes us irritated. We don’t realise the negative effects that it holds on us in both physical and mental aspects. About half-hour of yoga can do the magic of making us calm and relaxed.

It brings serenity and teaches self-awareness and discipline. These are the qualities that are very difficult to develop otherwise.

It keeps us close to nature and makes a connection with our soul. With so many things happening in one’s life every day, this could be the time to be away from all the burdens that the world has given us and focus on only them and their health.

Essay on Yoga

Where did this art form start?

The art form of yoga mainly focuses on the flexibility and strength which is required for doing the postures. This ancient art form has existed in India for about more than a thousand years.

The practice of yoga is believed to have originated from northern India about 5,000 years ago. The term ‘yoga’ is a term that is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means to unite. Just like its meaning, this art form focuses on uniting an individual’s soul with his or her mind and body.

The term was first used in Rig Veda, which is one of the four most sacred texts also called Vedas.

The art form was developed and practised by Indian sages in ancient times. They even documented about it in their Upanishads (texts with religious teachings and beliefs).

Yoga is a practice that is mainly seen in the religion of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. It is believed that there are about 66 basic yoga postures and 19 types of yoga. Even mantras like ‘Om’ play a role in practising this art form.

Over the years, many yogis have tried to expand their knowledge to a global level making many people aware of this sacred and beneficial art form.

What are the benefits of doing Yoga?

The main reason for this art form to be so popular is the range of benefits it carries within it. This art form focuses on all aspects of the well-being of an individual (that is physical, mental and social). Let’s take a look at some of the benefits that this art form provides-

Reduces stress and helps in relaxing

One of the major benefits that practising yoga holds is its ability to maintain cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress-related hormone whose excess presence can cause negative impacts to the body.

In today’s society, living a stress-free life is next to impossible. Our work, our burdens, and our responsibilities, all are constantly trying to knock on our brain doors every chance they get.

Worrying about lagging in career and studies doesn’t help either. With all the burden on our shoulders and stress in our minds, we often find ourselves getting frustrated and irritated.

Yoga helps us in relaxing our minds, freeing them from all the stress that keeps burdening us.

Helps with anxiety

Anxiety is a very common phenomenon that is seen in people nowadays. People tend to get anxious very quickly and in their anxiety they might mess up their tasks too. Anxiety is also a big barrier to confidence. It can even affect self-esteem very badly.

Yoga helps to reduce anxiety and brings a sense of serenity to one’s mind. Nervousness and fear are all mind games but when your mind is calm, it automatically gathers the ability to work well and helps in making us less anxious and more confident.

Improves flexibility

Yoga is an art form that always focuses on postures. These postures help in challenging and building a body’s flexibility.

In today’s life, body pain, especially back pain, has become a very common issue that every adult has to deal with. However, by practising yoga you can actually avoid it or reduce it. Yoga increases your body’s flexibility by stretching its muscles and making them more moldable and less stiff.

Increases strength

With flexibility, the art form of yoga also increases one’s physical and mental strength. It focuses on one’s core strengths and enhances them.

The postures of yoga require a certain amount of agility and strength to perform. When you regularly practice the art form and its postures your physical as well as mental strength increases!

Helps with the sleep cycle

In today’s life, sleep has no proper time. The daily stress and day and night contact with work and lighted screens has taken a negative toll on our bodies. Many people have begun relying on sleeping pills to give their bodies and mind a rest.

Taking sleeping pills can have adverse side effects on our bodies. Hence, practising yoga is a much better option.

It relaxes our minds and encourages us to sleep. Not just that, the postures do help us in tiring our body enough which will ultimately want to take a rest to get energised.   

Helps with eating disorders

With an adverse change in lifestyle of people, their eating habits have changed too. The feeling of hunger has vanished in some. It is proven that Yoga has helped people improve their eating habits. Their body allows the taste bud to savour each bite of the food.

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Helps with migraines

With the quality of health and lifestyle deteriorating. Mental problems are at their peak too! Headaches and migraines are quite commonly seen in people nowadays. The reasons for this might be the stress and burden which we provide to our family.

Improves breathing movements

Yoga does not just focus on body posture and flexibility. It also follows a typical pattern of inhalation and exhalation of breaths. This breathing technique used during yoga improves breathing movements and is helpful for various breathing-related problems.

Essay on Yoga In English

Increase in productivity and self-discipline

The best part of Yoga is that there are no restrictions on practising it. From children to elders everyone can do it and attain its benefits. This mind relaxing form helps in bringing a sense of self-awareness and self-discipline into one’s life. It is often noticed that calm minds work the best. Its meditating techniques are really helpful to relax the mind which makes it work more efficiently. This ultimately increases the productivity of a person.

Present scenario of yoga and its popularity

Presently, yoga has become a worldwide known art form. Many people from all over the world have accepted it wholeheartedly. Its benefits have garnered many people’s attention.

It is seen as a great and harmless way to lead a healthy and happy life. Even now, many people are made aware of the benefits it holds.

21st of June has been declared as an international yoga day where people come together and perform yoga. They discuss and talk about this art form and its benefits. Through this, many people are made aware of its importance.

What started with the Indian subcontinent had made its mark on an international level. Its popularity has also impacted India in a good way. Every day more and more people are joining themselves in this art form to relieve themselves from the busy world out there.


Our world lives in stress. We are so busy in our lives that we tend to unintentionally neglect our health. We don’t care how we sleep and when we sleep. Our minds are always pissed off at something. Our bodies are tired with all the work just piling up. We are losing our physical and mental strength. This ultimately makes us lose our focus and power. There is no peace and calmness.

In such busy and depressing lives, starting a day with a few minutes of yoga might change a lot. We never realise that the reason for us not focusing on something might be due to our minds losing their strength and capabilities. To calm it down and refresh it, we need to pay attention to it. What’s the best way to do this? Yoga! Of course.

Its benefits have captured the world’s attention, its rich history has intrigued people. Today people from different parts of the world practice this to start their day with a peaceful and calm mood. Its awareness is spreading every day and everywhere! Tell me about you? When are you planning on joining the crowd?

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