Short Essay On Floods

In this essay we are going to talk about the Floods. A flood is a natural calamity that occurs in our environment and destroys the whole system within a blink of an eye. The flood is the natural overflow of water in the land, which is dry. Flooding is harmful to the environment and it causes so much damage to lands. It is one of the most destructive natural calamities in comparison to other disasters. It causes about 90% danger to the lands and destroys the whole system. 

Talking about India, the one-eighth part of the land is getting affected due to the floods. This natural disaster Flood affects the lives of people, including deaths, destruction of many properties of the public as well as the government. It also affects other means of living in so many ways that it ruins the whole life of the human being. The flood affects the land of agriculture badly and destroys the whole crops. The number of damages due to the Floods are known as Flood damage.

Short Essay on Floods

Well, we should try to avoid situations and conditions which can prevent floods and cause less destruction to the people and properties. Floods are the worst natural disaster of any other natural disaster. Once the floods start there is no way one can stop and prevent them. We will face huge destruction anyway. While we should always try to figure out how we can lessen the chances of floods occurring in our environment. 

Essay On  Floods

Causes of Floods

Floods are caused by numerous reasons and the situations in which floods can occur are described below:

The cause will be heavy rainfall as it is the basic cause of floods. As floods occur with large quantities of water and rain comes with water, and when it rains heavily in a short period, then the drainage system goes blank and the water overflows in the small area and makes the condition worse. All these results in floods. Small area people suffer a lot during these times and they also suffer a humongous loss of destruction.

Rivers Siltation: There is an increased number of concentrated sand plus clay particles in the bed of the river especially. This makes the river carry less capacity of water and it is reducing day by day. So when floods occur the river is not able to hold the amount of water it comes with and it overflows and causes huge flooding.

Another means of flooding can be drainage blocking in most of the urban areas. It is one of the most basic reasons for causing the flood. When water will not find a way to go then it overflows so blockage can create huge flooding.

In the cold areas where snowfall happens very frequently and there is a large amount of ice, it is very common that snow will melt due to global warming and can raise sea levels, which can be a primary reason for flooding in these kinds of areas.

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Types of Floods

Irrespective of the type of flood, the destruction is huge, and there are different types of floods. They are divided based on how it can occur plus the damage it has on the environment.

River Floods- Due to heavy rainfall for a longer period than the water level gets high in the river, which raises the water level in the river bed and the river loses the capacity to hold large amounts of water. This will lead to river flooding. This river flooding can cause humongous damage to the nearest areas, plus it can destroy crops in agriculture. However, we can prevent the river from flooding by making proper defences near the river to control the overflow of the water when heavy rainfall occurs.

Flash Floods- If the grounds cannot absorb the water rapidly when heavy rainfall occurs, then it can lead to flash floods. The ground should be absorbing water as fast as possible; otherwise, it results in floods. We can prevent flash floods by making the proper drainage system to drain the water even if the ground does not absorb water.

Coastal Flood- This type of flood is caused when there is an extreme level of windstorms. Coastal flooding can also be caused by several things such as a rise in the sea level, extreme weather conditions, plus high tides. This type of flooding is extremely dangerous and causes huge destruction in comparison to other floods. Also, when the snow and ice melt and there is a rise in the sea level which leads to global warming and can be one of the reasons for Coastal Flooding.

How to control Floods

We can control floods by many methods and these methods can be implemented by the government. In ancient times, people used to plant vegetation to regain extra water, plus terracing hillsides to slow the flow of water downhill to control floods. There are also other flood control methods such as water level control in the dams plus checking the dam regularly. 

Besides, installing the rock beams, sandbags plus maintaining the normal slope are some of the methods to control the flood or overflow of water. Furthermore, we can improve the drainage system properly to avoid flash flooding. Also, we can make a proper water system to store water when heavy rain occurs. We can use the collected water for harvesting.

Essay on Floods In English

Effects of Flood

There are huge effects when any flood comes into our environment. One of the basic effects of flooding consists of loss of life plus the damage of properties including bridges, sewerage systems, roadways, or canals. Also, floods can easily damage power transmission, power generation, which later results in the loss of power.

The loss of power means there will be a shortage of drinking water treatment plus water supply also. This could lead to the loss of drinking water or the water could be contaminated. Plus, this can cause you to lose sewage disposal facilities. When there is a lack of clean water which is mixed with human sewage in the water, floods can raise the risk of waterborne disease. These diseases consist of typhoid, giardia, cryptosporidium, cholera, and many more diseases which depend on the location of floods. 

Furthermore, the floods can damage the roads and the infrastructure of transport, which makes it difficult to mobilize several things from one place to another for the affected people in floods or to offer emergency medical help or treatment is difficult in this scenario. Also, the water of floods normally destroys the whole land of farming, makes the land useless, and leaves the crops planted and not been harvested. These all can result in shortages of food for both humans and the animals on the farm. The whole country could face the consequences of the floods and could lose entire harvests. Plus, many of the tree species will not survive for a longer time due to flooding from their root systems.


Floods are natural and one cannot hold the natural calamities in their hand. However, we can prevent the flooding with our little joint contribution and effort towards the environment and regain the loss caused by the flooding. We all have to put a joint effort to control this disaster; otherwise, we will face the humongous destruction of our infrastructure, food or life also.

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