Short Essay On Love

In this essay we are going to talk about the Love. Love is one of the most powerful emotions. It is something which cannot be touched or smelled. It just can be felt. When we talk about love, we generally do mean romantic love. Although love comes in every shade and every form. Love is divine, pure and spiritual state of mind which is not necessarily romantic. We generally share the same feeling for our family as well as for our pets and many other relationships too. This is an essay on love.

Short Essay On Love

The word love does sound cliché sometimes or may be most of the time but love is really powerful. It can make genius people fool and fool people work hard. It is such a powerful feeling that we go for the most tough spots to achieve it. We try to do unthinkable things in love. We try to push ourselves from our comfort zone when in love. Love makes the shy one bold and the bold one’s shy. Love can make you feel strong and weak at the same moment. Although, we can never measure love and hence we cannot quantify love. That is reason that love is sometimes considered to be unconditional. But not necessarily, it would be unconditional.

It is not even necessary to love unconditionally to love truly. Love is the most important emotion of a human’s life. It is very untrue that love happens only once. As soon as we take birth, we are already attached to motherly love and the nature’s love. We generally fail to acknowledge this form of love but it is truly the most precious feeling most of us commonly share. As we grow up, we go on for the search of romantic love.

Essay On Love

But we can never choose to love, it just happens when it’s meant to be. That is why it is the purest and supreme form of emotion. The search for romantic love sometimes ends up to be painful. There’s a scientific reason for that. Love happens because of hormones secretion. When we fall in love, the oxytocin hormone is released which is also known as the cuddle hormone.

Other than this hormone, love is ruled by other lust hormones: that is testosterone and estrogen; attraction hormone: dopamine and serotonin. All these hormones are responsible for love. In the same way, heartbreaks have a scientific reason as well. Serotonin and dopamine are responsible to make our mood happy and excited but when we go through heart break, these hormones are not released. When we go through a heart break, in place of these hormones, another hormone is released which is called cortisol. It is a stress hormone.

Love is not only about human relations only. We are attached to our abstract emotions too. For example: we love our freedom. We cannot stay without our freedom. No doubt, why we had almost two wars in the name of freedom. Such is the power of love. We all share a common love for our rights.

As we tend to ignore our mental health for our physical health. We tend to the ignore the significant emotion of love as well. Love is like oxygen for our mental health. Hence, when you fall in love, you stay healthier both mentally as well as emotionally. Honestly, it has been seen and noted in many cases that people who are not that much in love ended up having depression, fear of missing out and other mental illness. So, we can say that love is natural anti-depressant. It is even a fact that people who do not love themselves cannot really love others as well. They do not even feel loved by others.

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These kinds of people become less attractive for others too. This is very obvious that you cannot give away something which you, yourself do not have. Therefore, if someone wants to fall in love then that person has to fall in love with themselves first.

It is actually very methodical that a society function better and in a peaceful way when there is love in the bottom of heart for everyone. Basically, an emotion which would bind us together keep us together as a community. Love is literally the glue which has kept the humankind together and helped in evolution. It has kept our species alive. Without compassion and love, we soon would have bid goodbye to our ethnicity.

love is somehow related to everything we do in our lifetime. may be that is why it is called the greatest gift of men’s life. We do everything we love because that makes us happy. We buy the things we love because that gets us satisfaction. We eat and cooks the stuffs we love because that makes our tummy heavy. Almost everything we do in life is somehow and somewhere related to love. Even all the aspiration we have in our life is related to love.

Essay On Love In English

 Now-a-days, people are getting crazy for money and materialistic needs of life and as a result, we forget to acknowledge this beautiful feeling. But what is the point of staying sad in big city with every possible facility when you can have peace of mind and love in a small and not so advanced place. We are really messing up our priorities. Anyway, love is a very integral part of our life. Humans are social beings. Humans need humans. And humans can only be together when there is a sense of love and compassion.

Love is an everlasting emotion which money can never buy. Hence, we should prioritize monetary needs over the emotional bond of love. Even, when it comes to our career-oriented aspirations, if we love, we can truly be successful. Because the mantra is that you need to first discover what you love and then you need to discover how can that earn you bread. One can have an amazing life then

Love has been always an important and vital part of our lives. We are in love even before we realize it. We can literally say that it is the basic need of our life. And we should compromise on that.

This was an essay on Love. Thank you.

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