Short Essay On My Adventurous Trip

In this essay we are going to talk about the my adventurous trip. Who loves adventure? I do!! In fact, I live for adventure! Adventure brings a spice to life.

Though I have been to many adventurous places, my first adventure trip would always be very special for me. Even though I was a kid at that time, I still remember each and every detail of the trip. You could say the spark of adventure in me was aroused by this trip.

Short Essay on my adventurous trip

Even though the other trips might be a bit more dangerous from where we went, this trip is still the most precious adventure trip on my list.

Chapter number 1 – Convincing for the trip?

This trip happened when I was probably in my 10th standard. My friends and I decided to do something cool! Since I wasn’t much of an adventure-loving person at that time, I tried my best to convince them to go for a hang out at a nearby cafe or a movie. But it seemed like they were in no mood to listen!

The hope of me convincing them was crushed when they gave me those stern eyes. All they asked was, “why? Are you scared?”

Ouch! That hit my pride. No matter how much of a scaredy-cat I was, if anyone tried to remind me of my ‘easily scared’ quality, I would blast off! I did the same thing here too. Seemed like that was their plan to convince as in anger I became hell-bent on going where they went!

I realised the stupidity I caused after agreeing to them!

Essay On My Adventurous Trip

Chapter number 2 – Deciding a place

I could say, my friends were a little kind enough to decide on a place which isn’t extremely dangerous or adventurous. Despite me not telling them how nervous I was regarding the trip, they realised my fear and chose the place which could satisfy their adventure thirst and ease my fear too!

They were aware of me hating going on adventure trips but they also knew that my dislike towards it was due to me never trying it! They wanted me to have a taste of adventure and see how it feels!

On the day of deciding the place, they came up with all the suggestions where all of us could visit. All the places were nearby and pretty much safe. If they would have suggested those places to me now I would have probably laughed at their suggestion but me at that time was scared as hell!

In the end, without any option, we decided to visit the mountain of our town. The mountain is pretty famous as a hiking spot for people in my town. Almost every person in the town has visited the place at least once, but me being me has never even thought about it until now! Left with no other option I had to agree. However, there was another obstacle in my way. How would I even ask my parents?

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Chapter 3 – Asking parents permission.

In India, no matter how old you are, till the time you stand on your own feet or even after that, there is a role of parents in every decision you take.

That’s why despite being a teenager, we had to ask our parent’s permission before going somewhere. It took a lot of convincing for my friends to make their parents agree!

Well fortunately for me, my parents weren’t that restricting. But still, I was scared of what their reaction would be. Surprisingly, they weren’t just calm about it. Rather they were super happy with me going on an experience like this.

Honestly, I was kind of dumbfounded by their reaction. Why were they so happy? Well, when I asked the question, they said they were happy that at least because of this I would get out of the house to have some fun. 

That day I realised that parents are not that easy to understand.

Chapter 4 – Preparation for the trip

Since I never imagined going on an adventure trip before. I clearly was the most oblivious regarding what to take for such trips. It was quite embarrassing to see that my younger sister had more knowledge about what is needed and what is not. Hence, all the packing was done by her while I only cared about the food that I was taking!

Chapter 5 – The journey of the trip

We all decided to meet at the main road of our town in the early morning. From there we were planning on walking to the mountain. Seemed like having an adventure was not the only thing that had kept us but also the thought of environmental protection. We decided not to take any vehicles and preferred walking. We even decided that all the food wrappers that we brought with us will not be thrown away in the mountain. We will bring them back and dispose them accordingly. 

The energy of having a so-called adventurous trip didn’t let us think about how difficult walking from home to the mountain would be. We soon began to realise it as even after continuous walking for a half-hour we couldn’t reach the mountain. However, we didn’t complain much and continued walking. Finally, after walking another half an hour, we reached the mountain. But climbing it was still left.

 It was still morning so we had a lot of time to climb the mountain. We decided to take a break. We rested for a bit and had a few snacks that we brought with us. Once feeling energised, we began climbing the mountain. Though it was something I haven’t done before, I found myself quite enjoying it. The feeling of climbing it, holding on to the rocks or holding each other seemed very amusing to me. Still, I wasn’t ready to be convinced if I would want to do this again.

The bottom part of the mountain seemed quite easy but as we began climbing further, the roads began becoming narrower and climbing became a bit tough.

The place was full of plants and bushes. It was a bit difficult to get through them. My friends were constantly telling me to not look down and I did follow their advice because I was aware that the scene below will make me scared like crazy.

After climbing so hard I didn’t want to go back. Hence, fully determined, I kept moving forward.

Seemed like our determination and hard work finally provided us with a beautiful result. The scenery at the top was worth it. We did take a few breaks in the middle so by the time we reached up it was evening. The scenery left me in awe. I have never seen my town from the top. Never realised how my place actually looked like. It was like the view was teaching me the beauty of the scene.

Soon we began preparing for the night. Yes! You read it right! We actually planned on staying here for a night and going back the next day.

After admiring the view, we began setting up the tents and collecting materials for the bonfire.

By dusk, we were finished with setting up our tents and bonfire. We began assembling outside and enjoying ourselves. We talked, shared some stories, danced and did some crazy stuff. Though we spent a lot of years staying and studying together, we knew this might probably be the last trip before parting our ways. Many of us, including me, were leaving the town for our further studies. We cried remembering all the memories we built together. The fights and teasing which seemed really annoying to us then had somehow become an unforgettable memory for us.

We knew we may never have a time like this again but we still promised that if possible we will definitely come again together and spend a night here. The night seemed fun and loud but at the same time, it felt peaceful and emotional.

We didn’t know where our paths were leading us. Will we ever be able to meet each other after moving out? Probably. But what we knew was that this is our moment that might never come again but will always stay as a precious memory in our hearts and minds.

Essay On My Adventurous Trip In English

Last chapter – Way back home.

The way of coming down the mountain was much easier. It didn’t take us long to reach down. By afternoon we were already done with the climbing and started going back home. We parted our ways from the main road and began moving towards our home. The journey made me realise that maybe I’m not an adventure hater which soon turned into a firm adventure lover tag with more such trips.


Over the years, I have started loving adventure trips. I love going on trips which give me a sense of adrenaline rush.

But I wasn’t always like this. The old me wouldn’t even think about going to such places.

But all of this was before I had my first official adventure trip. Even though I wasn’t very excited about the plan. It turned out to be a special memory to me. The trip was successful in inculcating an adventure fever in me. The fever grew with every adventure trip I did.

But no matter how many trips I go on, my first one would always be the most special and memorable trip to me.

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