Short Essay On Trees

In this essay we are going to talk about the trees. The green trees we see around us are an inevitable part of our nature. Without the presence of trees, nature cannot exist.  Trees have lot of benefits. They help the mankind in numerous ways. But till today we as human beings, did not value the importance of trees on our huge planet.

Short Essay on Trees

We recklessly cut trees for our own selfish needs and harm our mother nature. Human beings don’t realize that after few years our existence on earth is threatened because of deforestation done by us. It’s time to wake up from our deep sleep and correct our mistake by planting more trees. Here are the ways in which trees help us in numerous ways:

Essay on Trees

They provide oxygen

Without oxygen, human beings cannot survive and trees are the ones who fulfill those needs. Planting more and more trees in our area or in neighbourhood will help in a great manner. Trees take in the carbon dioxide given out by us and in return give us oxygen. We are breathing and are alive because of trees and we end up cutting them frequently. How bad our actions are towards them. During our years in school, we all are taught about the process of photosynthesis carried out by leaves. This process carried out by them is most useful to human beings.

Trees are a shelter to animals and birds

We all know that our planet earth has a great biodiversity of birds and animals. When it comes to birds, we have species like Humming birds, Crows, Pigeons and many more.  Animal species include Parrots, Cats, Kangaroo and many more. All these take the help of trees for the establishment of their shelters. Also some of the animals and plant species get their food from trees. If we cut trees at a higher rate then we are letting these innocent species starve. Because of our habits their chain of biodiversity is being affected negatively.


Trees maintain the atmosphere by absorbing harmful greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, and nitrous oxide. Because of this function, air gets cleaned. They have a tendency of reducing the temperature of outside environment  which in a way cools down the atmosphere. This helps the human population during summers when there is scorching heat outdoors. Also if you plant trees around your house, it would benefit you with a lot of shade. You won’t feel a lot of heat with trees present around you.

Trees give wood

Nobody can deny the importance of trees. Human beings require wood for building houses. Wood is required in large amounts in rural areas for various purposes. It’s use is in creating various forms of artworks, in gardens for the purpose of fencing, for kitchen utensils, for making furnitures and many such uses. Interestingly,wood is also used to make ships.


Earlier in villages teachers used to teach their children under large trees. Trees played a huge role in the education of children in the past. Children used to enjoy learning in such mode of education. Girls in villages tied their dupattas to trees and made swings. They used to enjoy such joyful things together in groups.

Increase in the rate of property

We all are aware of the high prices of lavish flats in buildings. Middle class people can’t even think of buying such flats. But what is the reason behind such a hefty amount? It’s the outside view which mainly consists of trees.

Mental health

People go out for walks in gardens or on streets as they want to spend sometime in nature. Human beings are easily attracted to greenery around them. It soothes them. Therefore trees help to make the mental health of human beings better. As we all are aware that a large number of human population suffers due to a lot of stress in their lives. Walking around trees will help in the reduction of stress in a huge way.


In India people treat trees as their god. One of the prime example of religious trees is Banana and Peepal. People have given them a divine place in their life. Various important pujas take place on these trees.


It is because of the trees that rainfall happens.The process of transpiration takes place here. And in turn because of this,other plants also get ample amount of water to grow. In India, we all are aware that rural areas face a lot of water scarcity and slowly slowly this issue is experienced by urban areas as well. Therefore we need to plant more number of trees to bring in more rainfall. It’s the need of the hour because without water our planet cannot exist. Our climate is changing at a faster rate. If we don’t take the right steps to protect our climate now, then our future is in danger.

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Forests is made up of large number of trees. In India there are large number of forests. Humans get lot of essential things for their survival from forests. For example- Fruits, wood, medicinal herbs and many such useful things. A lot of our lives are dependent on forests therefore it is our duty to protect them by encouraging practices like afforestation. A lot of birds and animals have made their homes in the forest. People especially from rural areas depend on forests for their living.

Best friends

Trees are the bestest friends of human beings. They are selfless givers and a huge blessing from the almighty. Can you imagine our planet without the existence of trees? Obviously not. Our world is incomplete without them. All species on our planet including human beings are directly or indirectly depended on Trees. No one can deny their prime importance in our lives. Nowadays, we can see that deforestation is on the rise. Greediness of human beings has increased to such a great extent that they are mindlessly cutting trees. Instead they should hug trees and express gratitude. 

Essay on Trees In English

It is our duty as responsible citizens to save and protect trees. Here are some of the ways in which you can do it on an individual level:

  1. Commit to yourself that you will actively take part in saving trees.
  2. Plant more tree saplings in your house balcony and water them on a day to day basis.
  3. Instead of giving expensive gifts to your closed ones, gift them a plant sapling. In this way more and more plants will grow at houses.
  4. Keep a variety of plants. Don’t just stick to one type of plant.
  5. Begin a competition in your building of planting tree saplings. One who plants more number of saplings should be given some kind of prize. In this way, more people will get encouraged to plant.
  6. Immediately write a letter to the respective authorities if you see people cutting trees in your area. This will build some kind of fear among those who recklessly cut trees.
  7. Make Whatsapp groups related to conservation of plants, benefits of planting more trees and other such topics. Keep this group up to date with all the latest news about how our planet will face future problems if we don’t increase the number of trees in our surroundings.
  8. Make more use of laptops, mobile phones and other gadgets for writing your office content or any other content for that matter. This will help in saving paper.
  9. Recycle the old furniture in your house. Immediately don’t go and buy new one as this will help in saving wood to a great extent.
  10. Make children understand the importance of saving trees for our future. Tell them to pass this knowledge to their friends in school so that more awareness is created.
  11. Start spreading the word of conserving trees through your social media accounts. Talk to as many people you can about the rising issue of deforestation.
  12. There are various organizations out there who are actively taking steps towards the conservation of trees. You can donate some amount of money to these people because it will help them to work on a more larger scale.
  13. Even if you have a printer at your house, try printing less number of papers. Instead of printing your content, make a separate folder in your computer and save your important work there.
  14. If there is a particular situation wherein it is compulsory for you write on a paper, kindly use both the sides. This will save more paper.
  15. We have the habit of using Napkins made out of paper.Instead use napkins which are made of clothes.
  16. Opt for reforestation. Make sure that the replantation is taking place of each and every tree cut down.
  17. Conduct a survey in your area to find out how many people have knowledge about tree conservation, afforestation,planting more trees and all things related to trees. So that accordingly, you can start spreading the word in your area.
  18. We all have heard of forest fires on news channels. A lot of people are not aware about it’s causes. Explain them and make them understand. In future, these people can take necessary steps to prevent it.

Tree conservation is the need of the hour. Be wise and start taking the right steps towards it.

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