Short Essay On Virtual Classroom

In this essay we are going to talk about the Virtual classroom. Nowadays we are all aware about this term virtual classroom or virtual classes. Virtual classroom is none but a process of learning from home. It is the way of teaching students without attending their schools, colleges or universities. Usually we go to schools or universities and attend classes but in of virtual classes we do not have to go anywhere or we do not have to travel. Due to covid 19 government had announced lockdown India as well as the other countries.

Short Essay On Virtual Classroom

All academic institutions, markets, offices were closed at that period. As the institutions were closed for many times it was decided to open the classes through online applications. At the time when the  devastating disease started to spread , virtual classes became a light of hope to all students, teachers as well the parents of the students. The disease has affected very badly in every field but when it comes to students we should must take a step that will helpful in some extent. At the starting of the lockdown period students were enjoying as they got holidays for a long time. But as the times passed it got boring and they wanted their education system to be started again.

Lockdown has tremendous effects in our lives. The whole education system has changed due the devastating disease. Students got bored, depressed and even some students also attempted to suicide. Parents of those students want a solution to cheer them up and start the education again. Virtual classes has different effects on our lives either it is positive or negative. So,  here we will discuss about the benefits and constraints of virtual classes.

Essay On Virtual Classroom

Advantages of virtual classes

There is no doubt that virtual learning has various advantages. Students as well as the corporate workers get benefited with that.

  • The first and foremost important point of virtual point is that it helps to reduce the tension, stress of the students for their future. It has shown a new path of study to the students. Not only the students but also their parents got relief after having the facility of virtual classrooms.
  • Virtual classes have reduced the time of going to school or colleges. In case of physical classes students have to go to the school which take at least some time. And if there is traffic jams then it can take more time. That time can be managed through online mode of learning.
  • In the case of virtual mode, students can attend classes from their homes or any other places with comfort whereas in case of physical classes you can not go outside from your classroom. The can eat, bath or do any other works as per their time.
  • Students who go to schools and colleges by buses or trains or other vehicles they can save their money of transportation. Moreover, the study material is also available online by which the cost of books has reduced for some extent.
  • Students who are little shy in nature and fear to intact with teachers face to face, they can easily interact with teachers and other students through virtual mode. They can also clarified their doubts by this medium. For example, one of my friends was very shy in our class. We never saw her talking with others or interacting with teachers. But in virtual classroom she improved a lot she give answers the questions asked by the teachers and interact with us.
  • We all know that every person should aware of new technologies and make themselves updated about that. There are different online applications by which teachers take their classes. With the help of virtual classes students get a chance to know every features of those applications and their usage.
  • Nowadays little children are also studying through virtual mode. There are different interesting topics and classes by which they get energy to study.
  • In case of officers or corporate workers during online work they can also do other things in their homes. For example, one of uncle do his work from his home while he is also teaching students through video chat.
  • Virtual classroom give an opportunity to the teachers. There are different portal such as notebook, assignments, calendar, whiteboard, presentation etc. which make the teaching process easier and make teachers aware of all those new things.

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Disadvantages of virtual classes

We all know that the everything has a good side and as well as a bad side bad side. Like that virtual classes have also many disadvantages. Ignoring all the disadvantages we are going with this way of learning. Here we will discuss about the disadvantages of the virtual classrooms.

  • The most affective part of virtual classroom is that it destroys the regularity of study of the students. Students get habituated of not studying.
  • One of the major problem of virtual classroom is the network problems. In case of rural areas the internet connection is little poor fit that the students belongs to villages face problems to attain their classes. Even sometimes during examination they have to go outside with their mobile and give exams which is very difficult for them.
  • It us true though different online portal we can continue our studies it is not cool to spend long times in front of mobile phones or laptops. Our eyes are affected very badly for it. Not only eyes students also face pain in ear for using earphones hours after hours. We can see nowadays almost all students are wearing spectacles due to attending online classes.
  • The are different online mediums such as MS team, zoom, goggle meet etc. by which students join their classes. But the problem is that the features of these applications are quiet difficult to understand for students as well as the teachers. It takes much time to habituated with those apps.
  • In the lockdown period many people lost their jobs and works. They faced a huge financial crisis. At that moment  they had to buy mobile phones or laptops for the study of their children which is very difficult for them. Some people even could not pay the fees of the education of their child and at that time how would they buy a new smart phone.
  • We all know the fact that a mobile is beneficial for everyone but it is also true that it is a harmful instrument. In one hand student can attain their classes by mobile and can download various learning applications, study materials and what not. All the facilities of education has come in the hand of the students. But it is the problem of every house that their child stay always busy with his/her phone. They do not spend time with their parents and home. Children get attracted with games, videos and other social media platforms which ultimately hamper their study.
  • One of the bad sides of the virtual classroom is it blunt the sharpness and skill of communication of a student. In case of offline classes students get chance to communicate with teachers and their friends by which their skill is developed. But in case of online classes students do not open their audio and communicate with their teachers. For example, I am feeling that my vocabulary capacity and communication skill have reduced very much. Evermore, I afraid of telling something in English if I say anything wrong.
  • Students cheat in their examination easily by opening books beside them. No one there to catch him/her. In case of physical classes they do not get the opportunity to cheat in exam. Evenmore,  students go outside to play during classes. Sometimes students give proxy during virtual classes which becomes their habit day by day.
  • During offline classes students used to discuss with their friends about various topics related with study and life. The get energy and get refresh by that. But due to virtual classes they can not outside and see one another to express their feelings. As a result they get frustrated and pushed themselves in a corner.
Essay On Virtual Classroom In English


However, virtual classroom is a good option for such condition of lockdown and covid 19 but it can not take the position of offline classes. It is not appropriate for long period at all. If the virtual class will continue for more than five years then the capacity of the students and sharpness of the students. And students will also take the advantage of cheating in examination with the help of virtual examination.

Moreover, the whole education system will be destroyed. On the other hand, knowing the bad sides of the virtual classes people are supporting the. They are thinking about their child’s health as the  outbreak of corona virus can also affect their child’s health.

There are also some people who are strictly against virtual classes. They also want to open all the schools and colleges. But it is also true before thinking about the future of the children, we should think about their health because if they will be healthy and fit they can make their future good. Moreover, we all should adopt the new techniques in our lives. We should be updated with the progressing time for the sake of our future generations.

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