Short Essay On Women Empowerment

In this essay we are going to talk about the Women Empowerment. Women a regular word that we all come cross all the time. We all know how powerful that word is it does not need any definition. The power of feminist can be unbeatable at same time the most loving and caring creation of the god.

Short Essay On Women Empowerment

We all know the role of women in our society and also are aware of their capabilities by we failed as human beings to give the support. Ages down men have all tried to suppress the power of feminist to prove their strength of muscularity. God has created us equal but we are the one who find it difficult to accept that and have created various trouble on grounds in the name of gender. Women even in this century and era are fighting for their rights and equality. Most of the women are forced to accept the ideologies and concept created for them by the opposite genders. Far beyond the imagination of once existence they survive all brutal torture and turmoil in name of love, respect and acceptance in the society.

One out of three females regardless of their age have face some sort of harassment in public or in family. Those mental pain are not even considered some times. She lives in fear of places and people and chose to suffer in silence. We as society have tried to help them but we aren’t yet successful. Their silence speaks volumes. When one queen decides to fight for herself she stands for everyone who had walked the same roads made up of spikes. With changing time a lot of them have realized where they stand and what in society they can do. They chose to fight be brave and fight against the one who thinks being women is easy.

From handling MNCs to flying airplanes women have established a great careers. Even in those areas where people thought she cannot even stand in a minute.

Being a women is not always about being strong and caring it is about being yourself. Now is the time when all the women should take herself as a priority and do things for desires. Yes women are doing that too but to an extent or you can say to limited region. There are a lot of places where they are stereotyped and suppressed. Women are not born to fit the old look books and standard definition of being a female. They are born to create their own definition. Each one is born to write her own beautiful story. Today a women stands for another women to push her ahead in life to be successful. Maybe she understands if she can’t get herself together to fight she can be brought together by another to give her strength and determination.

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Even on different grounds and levels they can understand each other just because they all go through similar conditions. But never under estimate a women. She grows through what she go through.

From being a daughter of millionaire to a poor farmer’s daughter all are expected to bring dowry in her marriage and take care of family and house. And we know zillions of things like this. These things doesn’t change with money or time these things changes by mentality, awareness and knowledge.

We have seen men doing house hold work and cooking as an advertisement and considered it as a revolution in advisement but in reality it was normal. No ancient or holy books has ever mention that those work are written in right to only be done by women. But we had it that way and accepted so much so that evening thinking otherwise seems unreal.  

Teaching man house work is normal and teaching women repair is normal there is nothing wrong, amazing or is all in mind. So can only change that by enlightening people about no strict gender rules.

Power to bring the change is in our hands. Women need sword to fight her wars not a knight to save her from wars. We have realized how powerful women are so why not to support them and help her then making life difficult than already it is. Today a small action can bring major changes in their lives. If not now but definitely in near future.

We should have a goal to erase all the decimation and harassment against them. We should protect them. Many religions consider women has godly. Women are the reason today we exist in life. She is the one to give life in this world.

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