In this article we are going to talk about the What are the Things to avoid while studying? Often this is the most asked question by students who struggle to study with focus and concentration. What is the thing you find difficult to avoid? The most common distraction is social media for every student. It is so addicting that it steals so much time from us. Back then, whenever we got leisure, at least we would indulge ourselves in cultural activities but now after this social media came in everything just shattered. There is no specific distraction but every distraction is destroyed.
Top 10 Things to avoid while studying
We cannot point out distractions because each one of us has different distractions and they can be solved by taking necessary actions to prevent them. So even without our notice, we tend to waste a lot of time thinking about what to do and how to do it. This also eats up a lot of time. Understand that avoiding distractions while studying is a constant process.
So if you are juggling to find out what are the things to avoid while studying, don’t worry, I have got them together for you.
1. Using social media

We are constantly distracted by phones in ultimate ways. This is a snake that kills our time within seconds. But what do we gain from scrolling all the time? Although it is addicting, we should be aware of the fact that it is killing our time and ends up piling work. The best way is to put your phone on silent mode or focus mode.
Personally, Focused mode has really helped me save my time. I don’t have the track of time but it is used efficiently in completing my work.
So, avoid using social media once you sit down to study. It is easier said than done but that’s the reason we have got a shit ton of apps for focus and concentration. Instead of using it for only social media, try making your phone an advantage to study efficiently.
2. Being disorganized

Okay, so most of the time we forget that this is the key to managing time efficiently and making it productive. Being disorganized will only pile up the work and clutter. This in a way affects our stress levels imagining that the work is pending. Disorganization will also lead to missing out on tasks. Avoiding being disorganized and making a to-do list will improve time management, the efficiency of work, and the completion of tasks.
3. Opting unpleasant study space

The kind of environment that we choose also affects our interest or mood to study. For instance, you decide to study in your bed today for comfort but what do you end up doing? You will start to binge-watch and grab a packet of chips. Remember that bed is the place where you rest and where you generally feel like relaxing so don’t choose such places where it pulls of the interest to study
Create a study space and follow it religiously. This way, your mind will adapt to studying whenever you sit in your study space because in your mind you have allotted that space for studying so, whenever you go to your desk, the interests raise and you will get done with your tasks.
4. Avoid multitasking

Many people unconsciously tend to do multiple tasks at a time. Like watching tv and studying, listening to music, talking to a friend and so on. This will immediately distract you from doing your work and shift your focus. So, avoid multitasking and keep a target to finish one task and move on to another.
Pro tip: Make a to-do list and cut off the tasks you finished. This in a way pushes you to kick off the remaining tasks.
5. Avoid Procrastinating

It is no wonder to stress procrastination. It is the biggest enemy. Each one of us is constantly battling with this and completing the tasks. Procrastinating even the smallest of the tasks will lead to piling up and will habituate to do the same with the bigger ones. It is high time to be conscious of not procrastinating and improving the quality and quantity of work.
Pro tip: Set alarms for completing your tasks on time.
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6. Do not try to be perfect

Nobody is perfect in this world. All of us are learning everything and it is a constant process. Do not compare yourself with others, each of us has different capabilities. This will only increase negativity in you and affect you, not them. So, avoid comparing yourself with others. You are the best and believe in progression over perfection.
7. Avoiding caffeine addiction

Due to increased stress levels, we are addicted to consuming caffeine more than required. This is unhealthy and also affects your sleep by obstructing the production of sleep hormones which help in promoting better sleep. At night, we need to get as much sleep as our brain needs because that’s the time it relaxes and memorizes things. So, keep an eye on caffeine consumption and reduce it as much as you can.
8. Avoid junk food

Although it is highly tempting, avoid it for a few days or weeks just to avoid any sickness. Avoid processed food, junk food, street food, and so on. They will make you feel lethargic and heavy. Try avoiding them and have healthy homemade food. It is indeed healthy and tasty at the same time.
9. Avoid cluttering books

This is one of the common mistakes that students often make is that they clutter books on their desks. It only damages interests and mood. Too many books will increase stress levels and FOMO. And, you will get distracted from concentrating. So, pick only the books you need for studying and rest all arrange them aside. This way you are not under pressure or missing out and can peacefully focus on one subject.
10. Avoid copying others strategies

It is easy to adapt these strategies because they seem attractive and even you develop FOMO inside you. Sometimes, you tend to start copying others’ strategies of studying and try to fix them. But this is wrong because that strategy is made only for them and in their comfortable ways.
You unnecessarily trying to fit into it will only corrupt your thoughts and interests. So, it’s never too good to copy. Instead, find one way and follow it. Eventually, you will develop your strategies for learning and grasping things better.
It is tough to manage emotions as a student. The stress and pressure are never-ending from society and parents. But then we all manage to keep up with these and bear it all. It is okay if you are not doing well in tests or exams. Nobody is perfect. Each one of us is learning from mistakes and so you will. Just make sure that you are not losing yourself in this rush toward life. Believe in yourself. In the end, it is only you who is going to face all of it. Just set back, calm, and relax. Bigger things are coming.