Short Essay On Deforestation

In this essay we are going to talk about Deforestation. Deforestation is the practice in which people cut down several trees to increase the land area to build large buildings or offices. Deforestation is increasing day by day with the need to have more space for living or to make an office to work. It is one of the dangerous practices to destroy our environment. Our environment has been destroyed in so many ways due to deforestation. Still, people are not worried about the consequences we are going to face after we demolish all the trees from our environment. Due to deforestation the animals and wildlife living in the jungle or trees for their accommodation, are losing their homes due to the falling trees from there. 

Short Essay on Deforestation

It is a criminal act for any person who is practising deforestation. It not only harms our nature tremendously but also destroys the whole ecosystem. One can get the land and area to build large buildings or offices by cutting down the trees. But they fail to understand that they are losing the most important part of their environment plus decreasing the good air quality around the atmosphere. A large number of trees provide oxygen and take all the harmful carbon dioxide from the air. And makes the quality of air clear and visible. Also, it is beneficial for our health to have a great quality of air.

Also, many animals lose their habitat and plants also lose their place of living.

People tend to behave selfishly when they cut the trees and think that they are building a great future ahead for the next generation.

They are just building a place for humans to live but not thinking about the destruction which is coming with deforestation. It is ruining the whole environment day by day. The quality of air is getting affected badly.

Essay on Deforestation

Causes of Deforestation

There are several reasons for deforestation and we just need to reduce the cause of deforestation to save our environment from getting affected. The basic reason for deforestation is agriculture. According to several reports, agriculture is responsible for about 80% of deforestation. Farmers want to meet the expectation for surviving livelihood.

So, they cut the trees from forests and make use of the cleared land for the purpose to cultivate grains and surviving. And with the increasing demand for food with an increased population, they need a large area to cultivate the crops and meet the required demands. Hence, they want more land and they cut trees to get the cleared lands for growing the crops for people.

Furthermore, with the increasing demand for paper, match-sticks, furniture, etc. from the people. This increases the wood supply from the plants and people cut more trees to get the required wood. It makes more plants get destroyed for wood to make the product. Plus paper is the basic need of every human life. It is said that each year paper is thrown away from approx 640 million trees. The paper should not be wasted and only be used when required and we all should try to consume less paper to avoid more demands of the paper. 

In Addition, we should always try to recycle the papers. In some parts of the country, wood is used for the purpose of fuel and so several people cut the trees and burn the wood to make the food. Plus the wood is also used as coal and wood is also used to make the door, window and many things of home. And eventually, we need more trees to get more wood and for that, we have to practice deforestation more. Then, to go to any place we need to have a road which is constructed by cutting the trees of forests to get to the place. 

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Harmful effects of Deforestation

Deforestation has several harmful effects on the environment and many other things, some of the effects are given below:

  • Soil erosion: It is the process in which the upper layer of the soil is eliminated. It usually occurs when the trees are cutted down which are binding the soil. And when there is no tree, the air and water take away the upper layer of soil. And then soil erosion takes place.

Also, many disasters such as landslides happen because of soil erosion. In addition, there are several floods caused by soil erosion. Because of the lack of trees, the rainfall is unstoppable and the water directly goes to the plains and creates floods. All these natural calamities destroy several colonies in which people live. Many human lives are damaged in so many ways.  

  • Global Warming: It is one of the measures that cause a negative change in the environment. There is a delay in seasons and our environment is getting affected day by day. Also, there is a huge imbalance in the ratios of almost everything. The temperature in most seasons is going to an extreme level and it is causing many consequences in the environment. In 2021 the temperature reached 50 degrees which is the highest temperature ever. In addition, the glaciers of the Himalayan range are melting day by day. The conditions are not improving but only getting worse with time. Due to all of these, the floods are mostly affecting the hill area of the country and also the people who live there as their homes. 

Furthermore, the ratio of applicable drinking water is decreasing day by day.

  • Effect on the water cycle: From the process of transpiration, the trees release the soil along with water in the environment. And when deforestation takes place in large numbers, the number of trees is decreased and the ratio of water is also reduced in the atmosphere. Hence, the clouds are not forming accurately. In addition, the grounds of agriculture don’t get enough rainfall and the grains get destroyed. And hence, humans are getting affected indirectly.
  • Wildlife threat: The wildlife is the most affected due to deforestation as they lost their place of living. Several animals such as Dodo, Sabre-toothed Cat, Tasmanian Tiger are extinct due to the increase of deforestation.

Plus many animals are on the verge of going extinct due to deforestation. It is because of the animals losing the habitat plus their place of living also with deforestation. It is one of the greatest causes of protecting Wildlife.

The increment in the Greenhouse Gases

While the threat to life is one cause of deforestation. However, due to the fewer forests, it provides a large number of greenhouse gases to get released into the atmosphere and causes harmful effects to the environment. As the healthy forests consume and absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It acts as a carbon sink for the atmosphere. And with the deforestation in the areas losing out this ability and getting more carbon dioxide released from the atmosphere.

Though people are aware of the harmful consequences due to Deforestation still people are not letting the trees live where they are instead they are just destroying the whole plant and risking the wildlife too. We can save our environment by reducing the practice of deforestation and making our future generation safe from the environment.

Essay on Deforestation In English

How to prevent Deforestation?

While everything has its pros and cons and we can do our bit to control the cons and increase the pros. Same with deforestation also we can all together make a little difference to our environment. First, we can begin with saving the consumption of paper. Also, we should try to save paper rather than waste it. As if the use of paper is increased then the supply of paper will be increased also. And this will make people cut down more trees to meet the requirements of the paper.

Furthermore, the government should try to ban the practice of deforestation. The big companies or firms can search for alternatives for deforestation and not cut down the whole trees of the forests to meet the industrial and commercial requirements.

The government should make stricter laws and implement them accurately to avoid cutting trees and prevent deforestation.Also, we all should take precautionary measures to have control over the growing population. The more the population, the more people want the food. And due to the forests getting cleared day by day the resources are getting very limited and food resources are scarce. In addition, there is not enough supply to meet the growing requirements of the increased population.

Hence, if the demand is less, the better condition of the forest will be in our environment. Plus we can have a better future ahead with our environment.All these measures are achieved when done alone, it can only be achieved when we all come together and contribute in our capacity to save our environment from deforestation.Even the little effort will matter the most, if you can save a single tree then also you can give so much to the environment and contribute your part as the responsible citizen of the country.

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