In this essay we are going to talk about the Garden. The Garden is the place where people love to go and relax there. Especially people living in the cities don’t find the greenery as often as village people. So they like to roam around the garden to feel refreshed from the hectic schedule of work. Most children love to visit the garden to play in the soil and roam the trees. Plus they get some different kinds of swings on which they can play around with their friends. There are numerous gardens built across the cities and almost in every state to make sure that everybody can have greenery around them. Plus they can visit the garden to have some walk or jogging or to do yoga or perform any kind of exercises.
Short Essay on Garden
Old people often visit the garden to have some walk or to chat with their friends who come to the garden to meet each other. Most of the time we will have old people walking in the garden and doing some kind of therapeutic exercises to make them feel better and laugh with each other. It is the most beautiful and enriching part of the garden where we can see people enjoying and having a relaxed time spent with their family and friends. Children are the happiest souls when they visit the garden. People take their children to the greens mostly on the weekends. To make them enjoy some time I’m playing with friends and with some swings. Garden is ten places where every age group can go and enjoy. Plus it is the only place where people feel relaxed and refreshed.

Gardens at home
Garden is one of the best places in the house to go and have some gala time with yourself plus with your family. Often people like to have some space with some greenery or plants with some swings. A smaller version of gardens at home. It gives a pleasantly beautiful outlook for your house. Plus it adds that extra topping to your house infrastructure to be beautiful with a pleasant environment. The House looks more beautiful with the aroma of flowers and the colour of some incredible flowers grown in the garden.
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Birds at the Garden
Also, some really beautiful birds come every morning to the garden. Their sound of chirping in the morning makes the morning so pleasant and soothing. And to witness this at your home is excellent. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons people own a garden around their home. The birds have amazing colours and features plus they have this beautifully crafted feather which makes them so pretty and to watch them chirping in the morning in the garden is so wholesome.
The Gardener
A house is a mess when the mother is not around as the mother is the only boss who takes care of the house conveniently. Just like every house needs a mother to be maintained. We need a Gardener for the maintenance of the Garden. A Gardener is the one who keeps the garden flourishing for the whole year and makes them beautiful throughout the year. He takes care of the plants or flowers to grow healthily. He does everything that a garden needs to flourish and grow beautifully.
Without a gardener, there is no garden. A gardener is like the mother of the garden and he takes care with all his hard work plus efforts. He wakes up each morning and visits the garden and tries to make gs right day by day. And people see a garden and they are like wow such a beautiful garden. It is all the efforts and little change that a garden brings every day in the garden which makes them beautiful.
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How to maintain the Garden?
It is important to maintain the Garden as if you don’t look after the garden well it will be ruined within a month. Growing a plant or tree takes a lot of effort, patience and dedication. Otherwise, you won’t be able to grow a garden with several trees and plants.
And not all people can grow plants or trees. The expert who is a Gardener will only know the tips and tricks to grow a plant or a tree. Plus how much effort and energy goes into growing them.
Gardening needs patience in abundance as it is the only reason why a Garden grows beautifully. Furthermore, a plant or tree needs not only water but they need fertiliser or manure to grow healthily. Plus the daily check is required for a plant to be fresh and healthy. Also, green plants need an appropriate amount of sunlight to grow healthy.
In addition, several people hire professional gardeners to maintain the garden. Otherwise, some people prefer doing it on their own and they enjoy doing it a lot as they get a lot of pleasure while doing so. It also makes you connect better with nature plus with a garden.

How to the Grow the Garden?
One can always grow a plant or any type of tree. You just need the right instruction and you follow them to make them grow in the right manner. Plus you can go to a plant or tree nursery and buy some seasonal plant seed as several flowers change with every new season. Due to climate change, the growth of the flowers also gets affected badly. The nursery has the flower or plant seeds according to the season and one can get the information about the seeds in detail from there. After that, you can plant the saplings of the plants in your garden and wait plus put your efforts daily to watch them grow beautifully.
You can also coordinate the plant saplings according to the colour combinations and make your garden more colourful and bright. Everyone should practice gardening as it is a very healthy and productive habit to invest in.
Plus it makes you connect more with nature and greenery, enhances your love towards nature and makes you more grateful and responsible towards nature. Furthermore, having a garden makes the family bonding more strong as they can have their tea and discuss the whole family matters. Plus they can spend a good amount of time with each other as a family with a nice view of the greenery around them.
In conclusion, everyone should own a garden there and if they don’t they must visit the garden often. It is one the best places to calm your mind and forget everything. It heals in so many ways and you don’t even realise. Try to take time out and visit the garden with your family or friends. Children and old people especially must visit the garden daily.