Short Essay On Health

In this Essay we are going to talk about the Health. Health is wealth. This is the best phrase to make us understand the importance of health. we have a tendency to ignore our health and later on we end up losing our most precious wealth. Here in this article,we present you an essay on health to let you know extensively about the importance and meaning of health

Short Essay On Health

Health is a term which is used to refer to the state of complete physical and mental well being. We do not talk enough about our physical and mental health. It is high time now and we should start realising how important physical and mental health is. People spend lakhs of money on diseases and illness. We are creating our heavy expenses by not taking proper care of our body. We should have realised this after the outbreak of Covid 19 virus. This virus has changed every one’s life directly or indirectly. This pandemic must be enough for us to know the essentiality of life. Life- a term that is almost unexplainable. But somewhere or other, life is health. or we can say that good health is happy life.  What is meant by good health is blur in our minds.

Good health is when you are both physically and mentally fit. It is when you are free from every type of diseases and illness. It is the state of being vigorous from diseases.

 Physical Health

Everything falls into place, when we are physically fit. And how do we maintain physical fitness. Here are some points one can follow for physical fitness

  • Diet – One should follow balanced diet. A balanced diet is a diet which contains all kinds of human’s nutritional needs. Balance diet fulfils the requirement of enough calories and nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals etc. it contains roughages, anti-oxidants and fibres.  Every human body has nutritional needs.

Now there is a talk between vegetarianism and non-vegetarianism. One should be a flexetarianism. There are many researches which show that vegetarian diet is the healthiest diet. But again there are many benefits of non vegetarian food too. Non vegetarian food is one of the best sources of protein.  It is great to follow a semi vegetarian diet that includes less animal produces and more fibres and vegetables.

A healthy and balanced diet’s food can be divided in five categories and they are mentioned below-

  1. Vegetables
  2. Fruits
  3. Grains
  4. Protein
  5. Dairy
  6. Vegetables.

      The group of vegetables can be further divided into 5 subgroups

  1. Leafy greens
  2. Red or orange vegetables
  3. Starchy vegetables
  4. Beans and peas
  5. Other vegetables such as zucchini

All these vegetables are equally important for good physical health. Some people have a habit of eating raw vegetables and some people have a habit of eating cooked vegetables. But we should remember one thing as a fact that cooking decreases the nutritional value of the vegetables. It is better to have boiled vegetables. Vegetables deep fried do more harm than vegetables cooked. We should take all these things into consideration when we take vegetable diet.

A rich diet in vegetables can lower blood pressure which decreases the chances of heart attack and strokes. Vegetable diet decreases the risks of several types of cancer too.


“AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY” – We all have heard this quote. A balanced diet includes varieties of fruits. Fruits are magnificent sources of plenty of minerals and vitamins. Fruits also contain numerous antioxidants. Fruits have natural sugar so it can also satisfy your sweet tooth too.  Fruits contains more than 90%  of water. Water is very essential for our health. fruits reduces many kinds of health problems and diseases.

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Grains can be further divided into two subgroups- refined grains and whole grains.

Whole grain includes all the three parts of the grain that is endosperm, bran and germ. The body takes time to break and digest the whole grain and that is why they do not have much effect in blood and sugar level. Although whole grains contain more fibre and protein than refined grain.

Refined grains are basically processed. They do not have the original three components and do not have that much protein value or fibre value and it can cause blood spikes too. Healthy whole grains are- brown rice, barley etc.

Essay On Health


Protein provides calories which in turn provide calories. Study states that each gram of protein provides 4 calories. Protein is very essential for development and growth of body. Human body necessarily needs protein during adolescences, childhood and pregnancy. Proteins are building blocks of tissue.  Sources of proteins are meat ,soy ,eggs etc. protein deficiency can lead to many diseases.


We all know about the benefits of dairy products. Most of us even like dairy products a lot. We can never talk enough about the benefits about dairy products. These products are great source of nutrients like calcium etc. dairy products are loaded with vitamins and minerals.  It has many bone effects too. Types of Dairy products are whole milk, skim milk, lactose free milk etc.


Exercises are basically physical activities that keep you healthy and strong.  People tend to practise exercise  only when they want to gain weight or lose weight but it is high time and we need to realise that exercising should be in our daily lifestyle anyhow no matter we have fats to burn or not. Especially today’s generation needs to do exercise daily because this generation is filled with junk foods and half of the population have a very unhealthy lifestyle. Exercise benefits the body unbelievably. It is fact that exercise helps in maintaining the right weight for your body. It burns calories and helps to develop muscles. Many people are not aware about the fact when we exercise, our brain cells release frequently and helps to learn and control memory. Exercise is important for the overall growth of a person.


Hygiene is very important for the overall wellbeing of human body. Viruses like Covid-19 has made us understand its importance enough. Good hygiene can protect us from all such viruses.  Hygiene is not only about being clean and hygiene is not only about physical well being . Even we tend to feel mentally better when we take care of ourselves.

There are different types of personal hygiene- hand hygiene, nail hygiene, oral hygiene, body hygiene, foot hygiene etc. we need to take each one of them seriously.

Not taking proper care of our hygiene can have gruesome effects on our health. Lack of hygiene can cause serious diseases too.

Essay On Health In English

Sleeping Habits

Adequate amount of good sleep is a key to good health. most of us skip our sleeping hours. This generation has a very poor sleeping schedule.  But we need six to eight hours to recharge our body’s batteries.  Poor sleep is linked with body weight. Good sleep can improve concentration and productivity. Moreover, poor sleeper have a higher risk of heart issues and strokes. Sleep improves metabolism as well as it improves our immunity. Sleep is required for social and emotional interactions too.

Mental Health

We do not talk enough about our mental health. It is still considered as a taboo in our country but being just physically fit is not enough for good health. Mental fitness is equally important for our health.  Mental health includes emotional, social and psychological health. It also determines the quality of our life as it helps us to deal with stress and make rational decisions in life.  We do not take mental health seriously of every age group but mental health is to be taken care from childhood. Mental health affects physical health. Mental health can change over the time. Feeling low is no good for mental health. So we should always take care of our mental health. Mental health can even cause death. Suicide is one of such cases.


Thus, we should always take care of our health to lead a happy and prosperous life. It is matter of great concern.  We should pay sufficient attention to our health. After this pandemic we should grow even more concerned over this topic.

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