Short Essay On Hope

In this essay we are going to talk about the Hope. Hope is a life to man. I remember my father teaching this to me. As long as we have hope, we can survive. Once it dims down, the man loses. It is like a light that brightens up someone’s darkness. Surviving on nothing is possible but surviving on hope is impossible. Why is hope so important? What magic does this one term hold? Let’s find out-

Short Essay on hope

Hope is equal to survival. As long as a person is hoping he can survive things. But can this four-letter term hold the elixir of survival? Why are people always encouraged to look out for hope in everything? Here are some of the reasons that makes hope a necessity of one’s life-

Light in darkness

When a person has no doors to get out of a situation, his or her life is full of problems, it becomes quite depressing. The person loses their will to live in peace. Everything may seem to be a burden to them. They feel as if their life has become the most meaningless thing in the world.

However, under such circumstances, if they spark a fire of hope in their heart thinking this is not the end and they are much better than this, then, slowly all the barriers surrounding them are broken off. The door becomes visible. It feels as if in the middle of darkness they have found a speck of light in the form of hope.

Essay On Hope


Fear and nervousness are just an illusion of our minds. We often tend to fear things that might never happen! This fear ultimately imbibes a feeling of negativity in a person making them think nothing is working their way.

But when they begin hoping, their negativity gets converted to positivity. All the ‘I can’t do’ becomes ‘I can do’. Hope for a better future to come fills people with such positivity that it will only attract positive things in their life.


Every big personality or successful person has taken risks in their life. They failed, they stood up, no matter what happened, they survived! They had a fair share of bad days and very bad situations, but they never backed down. From where did they garner so much courage? What provided them with so many guts to take such drastic steps in life? It is their hope!

They always hoped to succeed. They always hoped to become better. This hope consoled them that bad days will go and good days will come. It motivated them to move on!

Energy to struggle

The journey to success isn’t always easy! It takes endless struggles to reach the top. From working day and night to keeping themselves together, they have to be extremely dedicated.

But staying motivated amidst the struggle can be quite tough. They might question why they are even doing this? Is the destination worth it? But just the spark of hope saying ‘we have something better in future’ or ‘just a bit more’ is enough to keep up with the struggles and endure them for a little more to reach our goal.

Encouragement to do better

Human minds are all about evolving themselves. People change with time. Some become better while some just spiral downhills. Both these different and contrasting situations are the outcome of different mentalities.

Those who live with hope become encouraged to keep moving forward and becoming better with time. Those who have lost hope also lose the interest to do better and ultimately revert and restrict themselves to their old ways without many achievements.

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Hope moulds oneself

Some people tend to come out with the best solutions in their tricky times. They cope up with all their situations and mould them in their favour. How do they do it? It is their dedication filled with hope to make things work.

Not everything goes our way! Sometimes we have to face some very bad situations but what keeps us going is the hope that makes us adjust to those situations and live with them for a better outcome.

What if there is no hope?

Though we have given a gist of what life would be like without any hope in the above points, we would like to expand our vision further over what a person’s situation would be like if there is no hope! So what if there is no hope?

No will to live

Our everyday lives live on hope. From hoping at the start of a good day to hoping to get a good night’s sleep. Now imagine a person who has lost every hope from his life. He would neither look forward to a good day nor look for a good night! There would be nothing that would keep his life going on.

No determination to find a solution

No one in this world is problem-free. Everyone has their own set of problems in their life. However, to get out of such problems or finding solutions to them can’t be that easy at times. A person should have the determination to find a solution to problems putting an end to their miseries. This determination is often accompanied by hope. If you don’t hope for a solution you will never get one!

Those people who are hopeless in their life never hope for a solution to their problems, hence, they never find one either. They spend their life suffering from these problems.

Where to find hope?

Hope doesn’t have a particular destination or stop where you can find it! Hope can be found in the smallest to largest things in life. As long as you don’t lose it you are always moving forward!!

Here are some of the places where my hope lies!!

In my mornings

I hold a strong belief in positivity. I believe that any journey beginning on a positive note will always end well! Hence, I always find myself starting my day with the hope of positivity. This hope gives me the strength to keep going. It encourages me to be in my best form every single day. Mornings give me hope to learn something new and exciting!!

In my friends

Some problems just couldn’t be shared with family. That’s when friends come in as a ray of hope. Good friends are those lights that show you the spark of hope. The hope to make things better. The hope that says ‘one day we will be away from these problems.’

In my family

Whenever I think I am nowhere in life, I am not strong enough to fight my struggles or I am not doing well in anything, I feel dejected and think there is no meaning to my life. Whenever this happens my family comes in front of my eyes as a ray of hope.

This hope tells me how important I am to them. How happy they are seeing me try to become better day by day. How happy they are with my work. This gives me a weird sense of motivation to fight off all my problems and face them bravely. It makes me hope to reach a place where my family would be proud of me!

In my activities

If I take up an activity or an assignment, I never take it as a burden or responsibility rather I treat it as a hope. Yes, these activities give me the hope to learn something and become better. It gives me hope of completing it with a very good outcome!

It is the power that this hope holds which makes me realise my strengths!

In my failures.

People always become hopeless after a few failures. They believe they can’t do better. But it’s not true! I strongly believe that even my failure holds a strong hope of belief. A belief that I can do better than this. I just need to understand what I was lacking and where I went wrong!

Essay On Hope In English

In my achievements

Just like my failures, even my success and achievement gives me hope. Hope for an even bigger success. Hope for moving forward. People usually stop hoping for more successful things after their achievements and become content with what they have. But what they don’t realise is that their continuous hoping for more successes might actually make it happen!

There are so many billionaires in the world who were millionaires at one point of time. But they hoped to become even more successful in future rather than settling with a few millions. This hope made them work harder and earn billions!!

Similarly, never stop hoping even after your success. There might be something even greater waiting for you!


Hope is not a mere four-letter word. It is an emotion that keeps the world going. It gives meaning to life! It gives the motivation to become better! It makes you find your path and never stop. The day you stop hoping for something more is the day you stop getting more. Being greedy in some things is not good but being greedy in hoping is never bad! It will keep you going all your life. Hence, never stop hoping!!

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