Short Essay On Internet

In this essay we are going to talk about the Internet. We know are living in the world of internet now. Nothing is too far or too difficult to learn everything is just click a way from every human being. We all know the the basic requirement of human being is food, clothing and shelter but in today’s time and conditions going on right now the basic need of human being has internet and mobile phone too.

Short Essay On Internet

With so much going around it is nearly impossible to imagine the life of man with out internet. Human being stay all night and some times even all day sacrificing their sleep and health for the mobile phone. People are facing various problems like head ache and migraine, shoulder ache and body pain and what not. It happen all because they are glued to their mobile phone watching online shows, videos, photos and scrolling through social media.

We all know and agree to the fact that it is addictive and not good good for any one yet human beings give it to children and infants. We have also seen small children and toddlers throwing tantrums just because they want phone to play games or watch some cartoon video. They get so addicted to it that they sub conscious ly move their hands and fingers in the way they use it because they are are kids and have mind that does not know any thing they are new in this world and are adapting to it now and we have gotten them addicted to something that is not good for them and internet addiction we all know how dangerous and unhealthy and addictive it is because as as an adults even we fail to get to stop using it.

Essay On Internet

Internet have killed the joy and happiness of a lot of people apart from that internet has also make people un secure about them selves. We all know how internet beauty standards makes every other human being depressed and make them feel in secure about their own looks and their own body or even that they do. People post every second of their life on internet for others to see and that has led to privacy concerns and also increase increase in cases of fraud and scams people have started trusting and believing people blindly and share details abbot them selves and people around them that is not only risky for them but also to people around them or close to them.

Because of internet people can have million of fake friends or one real friend. Everyone is free and available on internet but busy and unreachable when they are needed that most. inter net has let small business owners shut their business down because they don not know how to use internet to get business.

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There was always a debate going on that inter net is a boom or bane and it is still going on and it will never end. People come up with an excuse to continue to say it is good if they are getting profits through it while people who can not understand how to use intheir best inter est are facing  huge loss and hates it.

You can not blame people for liking it or not because in this fast growing world only one thing that is growing and changing each and every day has brought technological advancement in the life and in this technological world a blink can change the thing.

In  one way inter net also make us feel secure and happy too and us to keep our close people leaving far away close. With one touch you video call any one sitting in any corner of the world.

Inter net has let to dramatic increase in the viability of ideas and knowledge, every thing is available on internet and every one has an access to it so it is not about who knows more than whom it is now about how much you can do with out the help and how much you can understand a thing about any the working and other things with or with out the help of the internet. This has given a huge rise to unhealthy competitions and comparison among everyone knowledge is available but the thing is who can make best use of it.

Internet has helped human to evolve to next level they feel they are blessed that they are born in the era of internet we there is every thing available on one touch.  People are earning and getting to learn new things because of the internet.

We know know how inter net one handedly saved that man kinds work and education during the pandemic. While every one was at house they had connection from out side world through in ter net and that helped every one across the world to cope with all type of stress and trauma.

Essay On Internet In English

Education continued across the globe sitting at home through inter net. No one until now has ever thought or even imagine that home schooling can be this cool and fun.Every one worked sitting on sofas wearing comfy dresses. The out side world was at halt but not the real world the people saved the life and employments and served bread at home through internet.

Imagining the world where internet does not exist is impossible for any and every human beings. People now days can stay with out food bout can not survive one day with out internet.Internet is one of the greatest invention for no doubt and it is completely on every individual person how they use it and make it a boon or bane.

Nothing in this world is difficult or impossible now. Every thing is available and been broken down into small parts and have user friendly things so that people with special challenges does not face any hard ships and have ease like every one else in this world. Internet has changed the definition of life and existence with its presence

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