Short Essay On Rainy Day

In This essay we are going to talk about the Rainy Day. The very best feelings on this earth cannot be put into words but can only be dictated, we all see things through a personal prism. Some of them love sunny days whereas some of them love autumn and there come some people who love spring, winter and then comes people who are absolutely fascinated about rainy days, I personally belong to that category of people who are absolutely in love with rain.

Rain doesn’t only fascinate people but cleanses the globe, the plants which starve for water finally get showered and many drainage organization issues get resolved. There are many reasons why one should love rain. There are people who absolutely love the essence of mud when it rains, it is believed that happy hormones are released whenever people experience peace. So the people who love rain are absolutely in love with rainy seasons.

Short Essay On Rainy Day

It is the day when people experience calmness and peace throughout the day, we all live in generation which has pressurized us to get fixed into a packed schedule. We forget to enjoy, we forget to smile, and we forget to see how beautiful the life is. All we do is wake up get ready eat the breakfast and rush to work and then come back to bed. We forget to look out of our windows and nourish the nature. It is believed that watching the rain droplets falling for 10 minutes can reduce a lot of stress.

It brings peace and calmness. Researchers have found that rainy season is considered to be one of the best seasons in globes revolution. Rain is just like drinking water to plants. Imagine not been able to drink water for one day, how does it feel? We start feeling low. The time we get a glass of water we get so relieved and this is how plants and other animals or any living being gets fascinated by rain. We ourselves are made up of 70% of water.

Essay On Rainy Day

Why rainy days are important for living beings

Can we all stay without water? Can we all sustain for one day without water? No. No living being on earth can precede his or her life without water. We humans definitely need fresh water to precede a healthy diet and a life as well. We need good amount of water to break down the food into pieces for having a good digestion and have a hygienic body. Water helps in flushing the toxic substances like urine, sweat and many other things. We humans are ourselves made up of 70% of water. You all can see how Rain is very crucial for earth including watering plants, crops, re-freshening air and many more things. People actually worship god to give them rain so there is no drought. But how does rainy season bless people. Take a look into this essay and thank god for rainy days.

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Rain is one of the best friends of farmer

We all are aware about the fact that how much impact a half an hour of rain can cause enlighten the farm. Humidity, dust free are some of the major benefits of farmers. There are people who invest lot of their saving to their farm to grow their business. Now what if there is no rain? They have to supply water for crops because crops are not going to grow without the help of water. So what are farmers going to do? They should either bring tons and tons of water by investing money or just see the crops getting dry.

No rain is such a big loss to farmers and the society too, today we are able to have 3 meals per day is all because of farmers. They invest money and grow the crops and sell it you. Imagine if there was no rain, the tons and tons of your investment as well as farmer’s investment would go off so easily. So even today people worship god to give them rain. Rain can make the crops grow in a very efficient manner which also saves the investment of farmer. In this way rainy days are indeed a blessing for farmer and hence known as one of the best friend of farmer.

Rainy days heal environment

Rainy season comes after the sunny days where whole earth is in drought. The environment is very important to us. If the environment is not been took care in a good we today then we will have to pay for it in future. Keeping our nature green has always been our aim. Why do we have to save this environment by providing plenty of sunlight, rain, air and by keeping our surroundings clean? Because it a place where we humans or any living organism is able to live in.

We live in a generation where energies are been used to emit with the help of fossil fuels, when the rain arrives the rain water turns into acid rain and falls into rivers and lakes which causes aquatic animals to take their last breath, Large amount of rain.

For example, rain for 1 hour cannot affect much on the aquatic animals because fresh water will be falling on them. Unhealthy environment can cause many diseases and many viruses. We have already had enough due to covid 19, why welcoming a new virus or a disease again? Rain helps to cleanse all these unhygienic arrivals of diseases and hence keeps the environment fresh.

Essay On Rainy Day In English

Rainy days or the cold weather is good for human’s skin

We humans are always worried about our skin, we constantly worry about acnes, various kinds of pimples, tans and other skin related issues and spend huge amount of money into these beauty products to gain back the beauty, but remember glow comes from the inner you. Until and unless you don’t have peace in your mind or you are happy from inside no amount of products can give you a super glow, rainy seasons releases your stress and regulates happy hormones.

Rainy days enlightens your skin and keeps the pores less visible. The weather also promotes good circulation in both face as well as the body so the swelling of eyes gets reduced and face sits in the appropriate and the tighter way. Cold weather means a fresh airy environment, say bye to bad air when cold weather arrives. Since it keeps your skin tighter and glowing, don’t forget to moisturize it, take a good care of your skin when even cold weathers are helping you out to glow differently.

In conclusion, rain gives a colorful life just like you witness rainbow after rain, it bring calmness, it allows you to stay at home peacefully and allows you to take glance at outside world in your busy life, it has owed huge benefits to nature as well as all the living creatures on earth and is the most important season on the globe so always cherish the rainy days which constantly gives you happy mood.

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