In this article we are going to talk about the What Are The Things Thank God For? All living and non-living things in the world is thankful to God. Because without the blessing our life will be meaningless. So, here I will explain what all are the things which we thank God for. The first thing we thank for that holy spirit is our birth, and we reached this wonderful planet by a mother, we should thank God for that we have mother, father, siblings, relatives and great family. So many people love you like teachers your friends and many of them. You should really thankful to God that for this family and friends in your life.
If you have a healthy body thank the God, if you have a peaceful mind, if you have a good sleep, then you can say thank God. If you have a shelter, then you can say thank God. If you have financial stability or job, then you can say thank God. And there are a lot of factors you should say thank God. But many of them will try to blabber the things they want in front of the God, and they will not think about these great blessings and after reading this definitely you should say thank God to each thing in your life.
What Are The Things Thank God For?
These are the top ten factors you can thank God for. Here I will explain each of them in a detailed way.
1. Waking up
Many of you seen in movies and other things that people will pray or say thank God when they wake up and when they go to bed, this is because when you ever imagine that the day you sleep and die. So, you should thank God for giving a new day in your life. This is an opportunity for new start. And you should try to use this with the blessing of God. Without that blessing that day will be problematic.
If you start you day by thanking God for this new day and this new opportunity, you feel automatically feel like blessed and you will get a positive vibe to that whole day. And this positive energy will spread into you and your activities and this is the best thing for leading a great day. And before ending the day you can pray for giving this great day and hopefully pray for the next day. So, this is an important factor you should say thank God for a great and blessed day.
2. Having food
In many families this becomes as a routine, but many of them never do this also. Definitely you have to do this before having food. Because, many of them are starving around you and many of them are struggling with diseases and they may not be able to have food. So, you get an opportunity to have food then, you should be thankful to God. And this thought will also bring you empathy to people who starve around you. And this feeling will never allow you to waste food items.
Try to have enough food and share your food with who is not able to eat. Because when you share your food to others and they we give a smile towards you, and this is the best blessing you can get in your life. Starving will make water also taste better, so if are able to eat then say thank God. So, this is another thing you should thank God for.

3. Healthy body
This is another important thing many of them forget to say thank God for. If you have a healthy body then say thank God, because many of them around you is struggling physically as well as mentally. Health is a great for everyone, without a healthy body you cannot lead a good life. You can’t work, you will not be able to focus on any thing in your life. Whenever you feel like you are great than anything in the world just walk in hospitals and cancer ward your whole problems will end. Just thought that how blessed you are. Health is the greatest blessing than any blessing in the world. So, say thank God for having a healthy body and mind.
4. Safe drive
When you start your vehicle and reach the place at right time say, thank God. Because, there is a lot of chance for problems that may happen to your vehicle, and your day will spoil this incident. Say thank God if your vehicle started without any problem in the right moment, and you are able to drive properly. There are so many incidents that we are reading each day in the form of different types of accidents, when you can drive safely and reach the place you want then say thank God for saving you from all problems and accidents. So, this is another important factor you should say thank God for.
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5. Having shelter
You should be thankful for having a shelter in your life. If only have a small hut, and you are complaining this to God. Just think that many of them in this earth does not have shelter and food and they are sleeping in corners of road and they are struggling during rainy seasons and winter seasons. If it is a small hut also, you have that right. So, say thank God for having a shelter. Always remember that when you start to open a complaint box in front of God, many of them are praying for the blessing you already have. Many of them lose their shelter due to natural calamities and disasters, just think about them and be grateful for these blessings that you have in your life. So, say thank God for having your own shelter.
6. Each opportunity
When God give you more opportunity to achieve what you want to achieve say Thank God. This is a greatest blessing in your life. Be grateful for each opportunity and use these opportunities for a better life, and never ignore any opportunity for comfort zone for some time and this will lead for future regrets. Some times God will give some second chance in your life and you should know this is the best blessing and use it to its maximum. Always thought about people who are striving and in search of opportunities. When you get it say ‘Thank God’ with grateful mind.
7. Escaping from wrong things
This is another thing you should say thank God, because when you get into some wrong tracks and unwanted activities then this will be the thing which spoil your entire dreams and your life. You should be the hope for your family and beloved ones and when you enter into these unwanted activities the effect for beloved ones will be very bad, so always be grateful to God who leads you in the right track and escaping from all the unwanted traps and struggles in your life and helping you to stay strong.

8. For having someone who loves you
This is another great blessing you should say thank God for, you are really blessed with a family, or someone is there to love you or understand you. This is a really great blessing and you will only get to know the value of this blessing when no one is there for loving you. Only the blessed ones get a family, and their care and love in your life. Your beloved ones will be always special for you, right. So, say thank God for having a good family and beloved people around you.
9. Peaceful life
Many of them in this world is struggling due to the lack of mental health. It may be occurred due to personal life or professional life they are crying to get a good sleep and they are striving for a healthy life. If you have a healthy mind and peaceful soul then you can realize the fact that you are blessed. Be patient and try to face all the conflicts in your life and pray God for giving strength to lead all these problems. So, be grateful and say thank God if you have a peaceful life.
10. Hope for the life
If you have dreams and hopes in your life then say thank God. Because many of them in this world lose their whole hope and end their life by suicide or they get into traps life alcohol and other drugs. The hope is the best medicine for all problems in our life. This world is also existing in this important factor which is called hope. What all the problems came into our life we will expect for a better tomorrow and we know that all the day will not be same one day everything will be solved. So, be hopeful and stay blessed and say thank God if you have hope in your life.
So, these are the top ten factors that you can say thank God in your life.