What Is The Best Way To Thank God?

In this article we are going to talk about the What is the best way to thank God? The nature of life in general is surreal and dynamic. You could be having the best moment of your life and everything could change in a matter of seconds. Or it could be the other way round; you could be having the worst time of your life and suddenly happen to see the light at the end of the tunnel, the silver lining that gets you all the gratifying happiness you dreaded during your sad time. Life has its ups, life has it’s downs, it never tops. Neither should we. Good things will happen and bad things will happen too. As the saying goes, ‘What can’t be cured is to be endured”. What we cannot control, we should stop worrying about. What we can control, we should give it our all.

What is the best way to thank God?

External occurrences could change only to a certain degree but internally, what is happening within us, only we know and only we can change. No matter how atrocious or unpleasant a circumstance is, what we cannot be tripped off of is or mindset and our attitude towards how we perceive the situation. Once we fix our mind, we fix everything.

What we have, we should be thankful for. The food on our plate, the roof over our head, there are people out there who care about that and are denied even basic necessities. Practicing thankfulness and being a good person goes a long way of making this world a better place. This is our good time but may be someone else’s bad time. Therefore, instead of complaining about what we could have, we should rather be thankful for what we have. If we are full of gratitude, we attract good thighs naturally. Happiness attracts more happiness and sadness attracts more sadness.

1. Practice gratitude

Practice gratitude

Feel thankful for what you have and be receptive and accepting. Exercise gratitude. Think about the things you are grateful for. Whenever you feel low, replace the negative thought that comes to your mind with a positive one. Recollect the things that make your life worthwhile. If you are having a bad day, know that this is not permanent and tomorrow is a wonderful day for new things and new ways. Be grateful for what you have taken your time to appreciate and count our blessings. By filling your heart with good things and happy feelings, you will attract good things and happy moments. It is like a message that you send to the universe by communicating your energy that conveys what you want and directs what will come to your life. This is how you balance your energies and build a doorway to happy good moments.

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2. Volunteer


When you are thankful the best way to show it is to help someone out and share your happiness and gratification with them. The best way to convey happiness is to share it. If you are happy, go ahead and make others happy. It has to come from a place of gratitude, satisfaction and contentment. It could be done in so many ways. The best way is to give happiness to someone who needs it. Buy a meal to a homeless person. Volunteer at old age homes and see the happiness in their eyes.

Volunteer at animal shelters. You not only tell God that you are thankful for what he has given you but also show that you truly and truly appreciate it. You would not take it for granted and share it with other children of god too. Volunteer work is truly a noble work and makes numerous people who are in needed feel happy, loved and satisfied.

3. Donate


Donating your used clothes or even cash can really help those in need. Everyone is human after all breathing the same air, seeing the same sun feeling the same emotions. Making someone else happy because you are happy is the fastest and best way to thank god. By this you show that your heart is full of gratitude and you truly appreciate what you have got and are willing to share the good things and good energy. It is about the gesture. It is the thought that counts.

‘Sharing is caring’ is not a mere lesson we learn in nursery but rather a golden rule of life everyone should abide by in order to truly feel happy and gratified. Fulfilling someone’s wish and seeing them smile instantly is almost overwhelming and if you have done this you know what I’m talking about and how nothing could be purer than that moment.

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4. Spread love

Spread love

You can tell how satisfied and content a person is in their life by observing how they behave with other people. A happy person has a happy aura going around them. People want to be with them and spend time with them because they feel good. Being kind and helpful as opposed to being mea goes a long way. It communicates that you are happy and thankful for your life. You cherish the moments and are willing to spread love and happiness to other people. Happiness only increases when shared. Being considerate, helpful and giving as a means to thank  god is significant and conveys a lot.

It could be an act as trivial as calling your mother and telling her how much you appreciate her or patting a dog on the street. It does not have to be flashy but rather simple and genuine. Spreading good vibes to everyone around lifts everyone’s day. Giving a compliment or smiling at a stranger on sidewalk brightness up their day. 

5. Pray


Praying is the most personal way of connecting with God and growing in his light. By raying you directly communicate with God and nurture your relationship with him. You see the light that is the guiding force in life and get the strength, wisdom, courage and willpower to achieve all that you aim for, to walk through difficulties of your life with grace and gratitude. It is heartwarming and gratifying to experience God through prayer. Everyone prays in their own way and has their own relationship with God and every relationship is unique. New doors open, solutions to problems announce their way to you and all the air is clean. Praying is personal to everyone and everyone experiences God differently. It is your way to show God how thankful and fortunate you are to have all his blessings on you.

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6. Bettering oneself

Bettering oneself

You are thankful for all you have in life. You have the resources needed to be able to do what you do and be skilled and eventually excel in it. You should utilize these sources to be the best, self actualized, able and equipped version of yourself, the ideal version of yourself that you want to be. By using what God has given you, you are showing and copying him that you are truly appreciative and respectful to all that you have gotten. It is somehow yours to be used and to help others in need. Engage in good deeds and good endeavors that get your real self closer to the ideal self you want to be.

7. Be thankful at meal times

Be thankful at meal times

Food is the ultimate fuel to life. It is the energy source to be able to truly utilize our potential and guide your mental strength into doing so. Food nourishes the body and helps in its growth and survival. It is the survival tool even before any money of the comforts comes in. Sadly, there are people out there who are severely starving and cannot manage to earn that daily bread despite working really hard. Being thankful to the food you have on your plate conveys that you are aware that food is a privilege that you have been granted and that you are fortunate to get that. It is the ultimate way to thank god. That is why we are made to sing a prayer in school at lunchtime. 

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8. Stay close to your loved ones

 Stay close to your loved ones

The people who are close to you, the people who have been through it all with you and get you and have seen you grow. It is truly a blessing to have people that love and care about you want to see you grow and prosper and thrive to be able to self actualize and flourish. Stay connected to them and stay close to the real ones.  It is people that give meaning to life. The emotional warmth and gratification of talking to a loved one, sharing a meal with them, chatting and spending time with them is one of the greatest joys that life has to offer.

9. Look at the bright side

Look at the bright side

After the storm comes the calm. See the bigger picture and see how even negative life experiences and outcomes have immense wisdom and learning to offer. Integrate these learning to our life and help others by sharing your experiences.

10. Acknowledge opportunities to grow

 Acknowledge opportunities to grow

Life is full of opportunities; you just have to look for them. Good has given you the intelligence and ability to acquire skills through hard work, persistence and determination. Show him you care about it all by pursuing your passion.

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