Why Do You Believe You Are Suitable For This Job Role?

In this article we are going to talk about the Why do you believe you are suitable for this job role? Do you remember the last time your brain went numb? There are  only a few things that hold the capacity to execute the above operation.  While sitting for a job interview when the interviewer asks,’`why should you be hired for this role?’ could cause your brain  to go numb. It is somehow perceived as a meta question. You fundamentally want to exponentially grow but as soon as this question is asked, the brain goes blank and the IQ exponentially drops.

All sorts of things run through your brain when this question is asked. Such as- ‘ because I want to  be able to pay my rent?’, ‘ because I want  to get that money’ etc. the brain goes haywire and the ability to articulate  diminishes. It is like you have answers but the brain is buzzing with so much activity and nervousness overshadows you. You basically become the human representation of a potato.

You really want this job and maybe it is your dream job. You are all excited and amped up for  the job interview. You are qualified for the role. An interview is the best chance to sell yourself. The interviewers already  know that you are qualified and that is why they called you for the interview. This means you have cleared the first round of selection. An interview is a chance for the interviewer to assess you and see whether you as a person are a good fit for the company in terms of your values,work ethic etc. that is why it is  important to be aware of the company values and vision.

Top 10 Ways to answer interview question – “Why do you believe you are suitable for this job role?”

The employer is probably interviewing numerous people in one single day and you have to be able to stad out in rer to be remembered. Here are a few ways to answer the meta  question of why you should  be hired; 

1. Always  be honest

Always  be honest

Never lie on your resume. The interviewer might ask you something you lied about on your resume and put you at the risk of getting caught. Employers interview plenty of candidates in a single day and can see through the person. They know a lie when they hear one. Lying uld and most certainly will put you in their bad books substantially decreasing your chances of getting selected. Honesty goes a long way and is often overlooked but attracts all the good things in life. Always be honest. Honesty does not only mean telling the truth but deception also falls under the spectrum of dishonesty which is typically frowned  upon. Do not deceive  and  communicate effectively.

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 2. Talk about your experience and skills

Talk about your experience and skills

In order to show them that you are capable,  tell them about your skills and what are the services you have to offer that would help them. Do not talk about your skills vaguely.   Rather  be expressive  and tell them about your previous work, how you were fed a challenge and what you do after it,  how you get out of that situation. Tell them about the time you were calm under pressure and were able to get your team out of a problem. Tell  them your qualities through your experiences so that they know you have something substantial and are not just  about talk. Citing examples is important in order to increase your credibility.

3. Tell them you resonate with the company values

Tell them you resonate with the company values

In order to truly stand  out from the crowd,you need to come prepared for the interview. To be prepared, do some research  and read about the company by gng on their website. Read the  ‘about us’ section of the website and see whether you resonate with the vision and values of the company. Whether the values resonate with your own personal values and goals.show them you have done your research and know  what youre talking about. Basically you have to talk to  them in their language so they know you are someone they could gel up with professionally.

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4. Show interest and enthusiasm

Show interest and enthusiasm

They see your resume and feel like you might be a good fit. But they have a hunch and that is why they have called you in for an interview. Thi means  that you have already cleared the stage  of the interview process. Resume is a clear indicator of what  your qualifications are. Interview time is the time to showcase not just your skills but compatibility as well.They need to know if you have a good personality  as well. No company wants dead employees always doing the mundane work. They want lively enthusiastic proactive opportunist employees who have a high presence of mind. This is because just like individuals,  companies are always trying to better themselves, to grow and generate more revenue and flouris. Show them you have a high sirrit and zeal for excellence.

5. Do not show desperation

Do not show desperation

Desperation shows. Clearly. At the  time the company employee is interviewing you, they are scrutinizing you to see whether you are a good fit or not. They  are seeking an employee because they are lacking an oration or wok and need to get that shortcoming sufficed. You too are in need of a job. It could be for anything- getting your mortgage paid off, getting your dream car etc. you both complement each other’s needs and that is why at thee time they are scrutinizing you, you should also be scrutinizing them about whether the company is a good fit and resonates with your perusal values or not.

Being called at  an interview setting can be  a quite intimidating experience however, You both have things to offer to each other and no one has an upper hand  here so there is no need to get nervous or show desperation. There is a clear line between desperation and excitement and you have to know the difference.

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6. Show them you are a problem solver

Show them you are a problem solver

Do your thorough research before sitting for the job interview. Try to know about the company you are seeking employment from as much as possible. Their net worth, history, media mentions, online presence etc.. See where they had faced problems and how they got out of it. What does the company need in order to achieve their intended target? Talk to them in their language and tell them how the organization faced shortcomings and how you have the adequate skills to tackle these shortcomings and can therefore provide value to the company can be an asset for them because more than being a mundane employee you re a problem solver and truly want to and have the means to solve problem and challenges that could be faced by the company.

7. Show them you are versatile

Show them you are versatile

Companies value adaptable employees who are flexible in their approach. Being flexible shows that you are creative and can link two separate ideas  together in order to  come  out  with creative solutions to problems. Being adaptable automatically conveys that you will make your employer’s life easy because you need not be constantly pursued for work. You  can pick up on things fast and can work in various  departments because you have the basic intelligence and street smartness. It  might sound hilarious but common sense is  not that common and employers highly  value the employees who have a  sharp  presence of mind adding to their dynamism and versatility.

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8. Show them you are good with people

Show them you are good with people

Being an employee, it  goes unsaid  that you will have  to go to the office everyday  except on your days off. Office environment is a social environment. You need  to be able to get along with people and have a welcoming and warm presence. Everyone likes to talk to people who are warm and considerate. You need to assure your employer that you would  be able to work in a team and increase the team’s integrity. This will assure them that you would not be causing any office politics and are a  pleasant person to work and get along with professionally. You exhibit the ability to motivate other people and effectively function as a member of the team to  be  able to optimize the output of the team.

9. Make it about  them

Make it about  them

Don’t go on spouting about yourself and your skills and experiences. It comes off as too snobbish. Customize your responses to  the needs and objectives of the  company. They are looking for someone who could get their work done and not the other way round. They are looking for what value you can provide to the company and would you be able to manage and execute  the key roles mentioned in the job profile. Give precise to the point answers and do not talk in circles as it would not serve any of the party any good. You Have to be short, crisp and to the point.

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10. Do not iterate memorized answers

Do not iterate memorised answers

It can be nervousness inducing sitting for an interview and you need to ensure optimal delivery of dialogue to secure a place. Do this, practice what you are going to say. Do not practice everything word to word but rather have a strong rough idea of what you are going to say and speak according to the ongoing dialogue. You do not want to be looking like a preschool child reciting poems on stage. That is cute only in kindergarten, not in a job interview. Practice this thoroughly because it is a make or break step in the process of your selection.

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