How To Improve Vocabulary?

In this article we are going to talk about the How to Improve Vocabulary? Communication is the greatest bliss that human beings are blessed with. Language plays an important role in our day to day life. It is through this that people connect with each other. In order to share our ideas and thoughts to other people we use our ability to communicate as a skill to link with others. You might have noticed that the origin of language from the ancient era has undergone immense change and thus enabling us to meet the language that we now use.

Moreover, when we trace to the origin of languages, you might have noticed that the word and the meaning it has acquired over time is not related, rather it is arbitrary and over time when time has passed the meaning for word becomes conventionalized. But you also may have noticed that word formation and its attribution of meaning is an evolving process, and the one that now has a fixed meaning can have change in the meaning at some later stage of life. And new words are formed day by day and every year we contribute novel words to the addition of a dictionary. This long ending process has immensely contributed to the development of language and communication.

How to Improve Vocabulary?

While noticing the growth of a child, you might have wondered of the way they learn language to communicate with one another. By listening to the people they are surrounded with and by observing the lip movements, they start imitating the words by making some gibberish utterances and later they start learning to understand the language they are communicating with. Therefore, as time passes by, they start speaking the individual utterances more clearly and beautifully. Likewise, we too expand our knowledge of language as we grow up and communicate with each other. Moreover, in the present world, since the necessity of being vocal is more important to express ourselves, our language too plays an important role in making the conversation more clear.

To make it more attractive we use our language to be more ornamental and figurative in order to catch the attention of the audience with whom you are conversing. Communication doesn’t fall into being vocal; moreover we communicate through written forms or sometimes sign languages too. In order to avoid the lack of clarity while communicating, one must always ensure that your language is not misinterpreted. Therefore, for that you must be well clear with words that you express.

As a student, it is a necessary part to be able express your ideas more clearly and precisely. For that, you should not be stuttered with lack of words, when you are communicating with your thoughts to be understood by the opposite person. So it comes as a necessary part for you to be able to play with words while trying to explain your idea, whether it be verbal or written. Therefore, your vocabulary plays an important part while communicating and sharing thoughts.

As a student, an umpteen number of information can be gathered while expanding your knowledge in words. To increase your ability to get more well versed in one particular language, knowing its words and getting more and more understanding of its different varieties will surely help you to bring an effective understanding of that particular group of language. Therefore, as a learner, it is necessary for you to develop your vocabulary to enhance your knowledge and communication skills. Here are some easy to follow tips that will help you to gather and expand your ability to acquire more and more words.

1. Reading


Deep knowledge of something can be acquired only when you dive into them. So, being a voracious reader of different genres will help you to have a wide variety of words to come across you. This will enable you to deal with different kinds of words. Moreover, when you are someone who is deeply involved in what you are reading, paying attention to the words and phrases used in different areas where the common language is the same, will help you to get to know more variants of words with the same meaning. Also, along with acquiring more knowledge in vocabulary, it helps you to interpret the text more vividly and clearly.

While you read, sometimes you may come across certain words that are new to your brain, this will allow you to figure out its meaning and bring an interpretation to it. And later on when you constantly come across with these words, these would help you to remember them in your memory. It also helps to bring readers comprehension to the words given there. Therefore, reading articles, magazines, study materials, novels etc. will surely help you to introduce new and different kinds of words. So always try reading newspapers, books and keep growing your knowledge in language by accumulating more words into your memory.

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2. Writing


You might be asked by your teacher to read something and write about what you have understood from it. While writing, you may incorporate your ideas and thoughts into words for expressing, this helps you to put forward the stored vocabulary in your memory. But sometimes, to make a beautiful sentence you cannot use the same word again which may lose the natural beauty of expressing your ideas. Therefore, you have to find the synonyms of these words to make your sentences more attractive. The other way to reinstate your knowledge in vocabulary is by using these words to make sentences. Try to frame new sentences with these words so that you are fully aware of the meaning and how it can be used in a sentence.

3. Make notes

Make notes

If you are so much interested in expanding your vocabulary, make notes out of it as a habit. Carry a pocket note, so that whenever you hear a new word you can mention it in this notebook for future references. Make this as a habit, and therefore when you are free to have a look at it, go through these notes to once again remind your memory to refresh with these novel words.

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4. Watch movies

.Watch movies

You might have noticed many people learning a language by simply watching a large number of movies. If you are interested in watching movies, do it first with subtitles and when you do the same over and over, you may get an idea of the language. Try it without subtitles, your memory has captured the language with its full length, and this will enable you to understand and decipher new words in your mind. So along with entertaining you, watching movies could help you to learn new words or languages.

5. Listen


Listening skill is an important aspect to heighten your vocabulary skill. Ted talks, radio, audio books, all these are some of the important tools that may help you to sharpen your listening capacity and thereby increase your knowledge in language. These talks bring up experienced and well versed speakers who are fluent in their language, so listening to their audio clips will surely help you to sharpen your learning capacity with new words, phrases, idioms etc. Therefore, try listening to these activities frequently and make it a habit to find the words that are new to you and find its meaning.

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6. Speak


When you have all these new words in your mind, aren’t you choked up until you spit it out? Yes, the best way to enhance your vocabulary is by speaking. You may be able to read, write and might have found a lot many words. Therefore, try to talk with someone close to you or at least try looking into the mirror and start speaking whatever you have in your mind by using these words. Moreover, when you try to use these words in your speech, it helps your memory to remember these words.

7. Discussions


Have some chit chats with your friends or participate in some discussions or debate competitions, when people try to put in different arguments to reinstate their statements, they may use wide varieties of vocabulary which are new for you. So, these conversations may help you to intensify your vocabulary skill.

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8. Translate


Try converting your mother into the language you wanted to learn, for e.g. English. When you translate your regional language to English, you learn not one but multiple words and phrases in that language.

9. Learn a new word everyday

Learn a new word everyday

If you are interested enough to expand your vocabulary, use a dictionary and learn at least one word daily. Try using these words in your conversation or while writing something down. This will help you to grow your language and fluency in a much more appealing way.

10. Alternative way of using

Alternative way of using

You might have noticed that words acquire multiple interpretations depending upon the context it is placed. So, take a word that you already know and find the alternative meaning of each of them that can be applied to different contexts. Moreover, you can use the synonyms of the word that you may already know to add on to these places.

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