Short Essay On My Favourite Season

In this essay we are going to talk about My Favourite Season. Every season has its own charisma! There is no denial in that! Be it the bright and sunny summer, calm and relaxing rainy or even cold and peaceful winter, seasons just have a way to melt your hearts! However, there is one particular season that I, personally, love the most.

Short Essay on my favourite season

Some may call it a dark and gloomy season but for me, this season holds peace and serenity. The season is none other than winter!  What is it that I love the most about winters? Let’s look into it –

The cosy mornings

Waking up on a cold morning cuddled up in warm blankets is the best feeling ever! The contrasting cold morning breeze with the warmth of blankets gives a weird kind of satisfaction to the body. You feel as if you can stay in this environment forever without getting bored. The comfort of such perfect mornings is exactly what I crave for! Hence, winter becomes my favourite season to wake up in the morning!!

Christmas and New year

When we are talking about the cold season, how can we forget about the celebration it brings with it! The winter at the end of December holds a beauty of its own since it invites two glamorous occasions: Christmas and New Year! People come together and celebrate these festivals with their close friends and family. Kids are being loaded with delicious treats and candies!

The occasion also calls out for giving gifts and presents to your precious people and receiving a heartwarming smile and gratefulness in return. Children will deeply wish for Santa to make his appearance in front of them and give them gifts unknown to the fact that it’s their parents who are their ‘secret’ Santas.

Essay On My Favourite Season

During the new year’s, people may get together spending all their nights partying and waiting for midnight only to work on a resolution from the beginning of next year. With all these things going around, who wouldn’t love winter!!

Though December spoils us with Christmas and New Year, there is one more festival that showcases its appearance for us Indians in January and that is none other than the kite festival. The sky is filled with colourful flying kites and homes are filled with the joy of treats in the form of sweets. These sweets are usually made from items that help us to keep warm during the cold season.


The environment of winter holds a beauty of its own. The cold weather covered with snow brings peace and calmness to a being. The snowfall is a sight to go mesmerized with. If you live in a place where there is snowfall, consider yourself lucky to be able to play with these icy white balls. Kids often get a chance to make a cute snowman and play in Snow due to this cold season. They can spend all day in the snow playing and having fun with their friends and family.


Winter food is amazing! There’s no doubt about that! From the savoury carrot halwa to the yummy hot choco! You can have some of the most mouth-watering dishes and beverages. These foods not only keep your tummy filled but also keep your body warm in the cold season!!

Clothes and sweaters!

One thing that I totally agree on is that winter fashion is the coolest! From shawls and sweaters to caps and beanies. These cosy clothes not just look good but also keep your body warm and comfortable. I personally love wearing winter gloves and mufflers! I find them very cute!! 

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Short days and long nights

Being a person who prefers nights over days, winter is bound to suit me more! I love the fact about this season that days are shorter than nights. The sun sets faster giving an extraordinary view to admire. The chilly nights call out for bonfires with friends and close people!

Long walks on chilly nights!

The best thing about winter is the long night walks one can have during the time. I still remember going out with my father during this time covered with blankets and sweaters. Over the years, it has almost become like a habit. I can’t hold myself back from enjoying walking in such wonderful weather!

Movie time!!

Winter is the best time to watch Christmas movies with all your friends and family. With snacks in hands and a healthy atmosphere, wintertime is definitely the best movie time to spend with people!!

Hot water!!

After coming home, tired from all the work, everyone needs something to relax and what would be better than a hot water bath. Its relaxation power increases ten folds in the winter season. All credits to the weather!!

Ice creams in winters?

I know this sounds weird. But I have this weird obsession with eating ice creams during winters. It gives me some sort of fun that is indescribable. There must be many like me who enjoy doing this!!

Things I don’t like about winters!

Even though I love this season with all my heart, I still wish if I could avoid a few things about winter! Here are some of them-

The runny nose!

The cold weather of winter may make things a bit difficult for me, especially my nose. The constant running nose can be really irritating at times!

Road blockage

One more issue one can face during winter, especially while driving is the road blockage by snow. It could be difficult for a person to drive in snowy weather. If she or he has an urgent meeting, they might get late due to the snow blocking the road. It can be quite frustrating for people.

Problem in walking

If there is heavy snowfall, people find it difficult to walk outside. The ground becomes slippery and that increases the chance of people falling down and getting hurt.

Fun things to do in winters!!

I have mentioned the points which I like and dislike about my favourite season. Hence, I must mention activities that I do or would love to do in winter!!

Build a snowman

I have watched many people, in movies, build a big snowman during winter. I would love to try the same, preferably with my small siblings, cousins or friends.

Essay On My Favourite Season In English

Snow fight!!

This is definitely on my bucket list!  If I ever get a chance to visit a snowy area with my friends, I would love to have a snow fight with them!!

Movie nighter

As a big movie enthusiast, I would love to spend a whole night cuddling with my bestie and watching a movie or a series. It would be so much fun!!

Secret Santa

Oh, I love this game! Here a group of friends pick a chit with each other’s name. Each of them should get a present for the person whose chit they have picked. It’s quite interesting and fun to play such games since it builds a bond between people.


For all the adventurous people out there, skiing is one activity you should definitely try! The activity intrigues me so much! I would love to try it when given a chance!


I have never tried sewing. But in the coming winter, I would love to change that! I would try to learn sewing and making woollen clothes to gift them to my friends and family!

Baking cookies

I am not a great cook or baker. But I love to make cookies with my mom and what’s a better occasion than Christmas and New Year!!

Set up a bonfire

In the cold weather, I and my friends often spend our nights setting up a bonfire, dancing and playing around it. We sing songs, play games and just have fun!! It is not only enjoyable but the experience brings us more closer to each other. If you want to spend your winter nights with your friends this could be one of the best things you could try!!


Winter, a season of snow, a season of chilling cold! When we compare seasons to moods, winter often gets a gloomy tag but hey! it’s not that bad! Winter is actually a very decent and calm season after all. The coldness has its own way of relaxing, the chilly weather has its own way of soothing! There are so many things you can see and so many things you can do!

From building a snowman to lighting up a bonfire. From spending the nights cuddling each other to waking up in the comforts, winter has its own type of fun! You can bake cookies and drink hot choco while admiring the cold serenity of the nature.

The fun doesn’t just end there! You have so many occasions to celebrate and get together. Christmas could be a way to bring a family together, sending and receiving heartfelt letters and presents. The new year can be a party with friends enjoying the last day of the year and getting up with a new resolution for the next one. Makar Sankranthi (kite festivals) has its own share of treats which is not just tasty but also keeps you warm.

The snowfall is an invitation to play in it. Snow fighting is a fun not to miss! With all these things in hand who wouldn’t love winter?

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