In this essay we are going to talk about the My Self. While we have our family in the world and we do have an identity because of them in so many places. However, our self-identity is the most important identity that we hold. Plus nobody knows yourself more than you. Only you can dissect your personality to know your identity and nature or behaviour. Nobody knows you better than yourself. You are your first best friend in reality. And it is sometimes pretty simple to tell about yourself rather than telling about others. One can conveniently tell about themself within a blink of an eye.
I am a student of a paramedical course. Currently, I am pursuing an internship in a hospital for the stated course. Also, I have graduated but just waiting for my internship to be completed and I can finally hold my degree which is the hard work of a whopping 4 years. It’s been quite a journey in terms of studies in my life. Studies have played a pivotal role in my life. They are the backbone of my smallest achievement in life. I am thankful and blessed to be an educated woman in today’s time. It has unlocked so many ways for me for my growth in life plus they have helped me achieve to be who I am today. It is a tremendous treasure one can own without the fear of losing it anytime in life.
Short Essay on Myself in English
I have done my schooling in the city of dreams Mumbai. Then I completed my junior college there itself only. And with my last set of education which is graduation. It is also from this city Mumbai only. My home town is Uttar Pradesh but I have been born and brought up in Mumbai only. Although, we do visit our home town but not much often and have always been living here in Mumbai. And for me, Mumbai is my home. I would have loved to go to another state for completion of my studies but destiny and my family were not ready to send their daughter to another state to study.

It was my childhood dream to go to a hostel and experience life there. It was so fascinating for me at that time to live a hostel life. Although it did not complete as I dreamed, I am thankful for who I am today and so proud to be where I am. It is all because of my hard work and dedication to my life. Plus I was always thankful for what is coming to me in my life. I always tried my best to be happy for what I had in my life.
My Hobbies
Reading was the most cherished habit I held from my childhood days. And this habit is very close to my heart till now. When I was a kid I used to enjoy those small storybooks and used to just love reading them again and again just to fulfil my pleasure of reading. I was always the most excited kid in the whole class to go into the library and find my favourite storybook and start reading it. The whole storybook gave me another kind of relaxation and enjoyment which I did not find in other things then.
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Furthermore, I enjoyed spending time with my friends and loved playing games with them in our free periods. We used to go to PT periods in the basement just to play the Sangli game. It was so much fun and we all enjoyed playing with each other so much. We were the happiest while we played Sangli with each other. I used to look forward to PT periods just for playing with my friends.
I enjoyed playing but it was specifically fixed for the school only. I was not interested in playing games at home as I used to spend my time on studies. All this while one thing was constant which was writing. I have loved writing since my childhood days. I used to write essays on every language topic on my own and not from any books or the internet. Plus I used to write my day to day life routine in my diary. Writing and reading were my most favourite hobbies to date.
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The things in which I am good at?
We all have several great qualities and some things which we are good at. We just need to realize and identify the qualities we excel in and try to bring that quality out and make use of it. Talking about my quality where I am great is managing. I am helpful and handy if you need some things to be done or sort it out. I can make things pretty simple and manage all the work conveniently. Also, I am great at remembering things or names or faces. So anybody who needs help in making a guest list for any party or marriage or any get-togethers can call me freely along with an invitation for me to join.

My dreams and Aspirations
I have always believed in destiny for all the things in my life. I don’t want to wish and have beyond my destiny. However, I do wish to make a career where I am independent of my expenses without even losing my family or loved ones around me. I don’t want a career without my family. I am a future radiographer but I never wanted to be one. I ended up being just by my luck and destiny, otherwise, I wanted to do something else. But as I said I was happy with this also.
I tried my hand at writing also and I wish to make a professional career with my writing skills. I think I am and can be a great writer. I have that ability to make the content interesting and I think I can pull off some great writings ahead in my life. I dream to be an accomplished personality in the future ahead and want to achieve all that I want on my own. I want to make my journey a memorable one and one that can inspire others to dream big and fly high.
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Furthermore, I have this really big dream of writing a book on my life. I don’t know if any one person will read the whole book or not but I wish to have one book published under my name. It would be great if I can achieve this dream of mine and make myself proud first and then others who are linked with me. It’s a dream which has several inhibitions. I hope I can conquer all and achieve what I have been striving for so long.
I hope I can pull each string of my personality here in this essay and elaborate everything in the desired manner. I have given all the relevant information plus spread every piece of info honestly straight from the core of my heart.